Europe Says Beach turns bright red in Iran: 5 things about bizarre ‘blood rain’ phenomenon that stunned internet | Trending #beach #BloodRain #Conflicts #Iran #tourist #video #viral

Europe Says Cyprus faces licensing crisis as only 100 hotels secure permits ahead of tourist season, KNEWS #cyprus #Hotel #permit #tourist

Backpack and Snorkel

The Golden Circle is a major #tourist attraction in #Iceland . The #Highlights are Thingvellir #NationalPark , Geysir #geothermal Area, and Gullfoss #waterfall , but there is much more to see. How did you like it?

Gray Beard

Avoid traveling to the USA, even as a tourist with all your paperwork in order, even with your return flight booked and the booking printed and with you at all times... ICE can still snatch you off the streets and lock you up indefinitely with no access to the outside world. They are crazy. It is very dangerous.

"‘Like a horror movie’: Ice detaining German tourist in California indefinitely"

#usa #ice #trump #tourism #tourist #travel #germany #mexico #sandiego

‘Like a horror movie’: Ice detaining German tourist in California indefinitely

Jessica Brösche has spent more than a month in detention…

The Guardian
Mar 04, 2025, 07:19 · · · 1 · 0
Backpack and Snorkel

#Rarotonga is the most popular #tourist #destination in the Cook Islands. It has wonderfully #turquoise waters, white sand #beaches and some good #swimming and #snorkeling. But there are many other things to see and do in Rarotonga.

Want Change? Work Together 🔁

"System is Killing Us" (Food Prices increase)

A #Protest Movement against Food Prices called "System is Killing Us" is gaining popularity around the Balkan regions effected like:

#Bulgaria #Croatia, #Bosnia #BosniaHerzegovina #Montenegro #Albania

"The price increases have hit items like #butter, #milk, #cheese, #meat, and #sausages especially hard, with some international retail chains charging higher prices in Bulgaria than in their home countries, despite a significantly lower standard of living in Bulgaria.

This has fueled growing outrage among the population, especially as these price increases are seen as unfair and exacerbating the #financial struggles of ordinary citizens.

The protest follows similar actions in neighboring countries, where discontent over soaring food costs has led to government responses. In #Croatia, for example, public pressure prompted the government to extend price controls from 30 to 70 food items.

This move came after the country’s entry into the eurozone, which contributed to a surge in #tourism and a corresponding #rise in #prices.

However, after the high #tourist season ended, these prices did not drop, further fueling frustration among #consumers."

Quoted from:

Backpack and Snorkel

With some of the best museums in the Middle East, a mixture of traditional and ultra-modern living, and stunning #desert landscapes, #Qatar is also one of the fastest growing #tourist destinations in the world. Have you been there? #vacation

Backpack and Snorkel

The Golden Circle is a major #tourist attraction in #Iceland . The #Highlights are Thingvellir #NationalPark , Geysir #geothermal Area, and Gullfoss #waterfall , but there is much more to see. How did you like it?

Jericho Jameston

#Europe facing dual #seismic #crisis events with #earthquake swarm continuing at the Campi Flegrei super #volcano near #Naples, #Italy with strong #tremors: State of #emergency declared on #tourist hot-spot #Santorini in #Greece with largest #quake yet, region shaken by earthquakes every few minutes as thousands flee island: #travel #news #eruption

Feb 06, 2025, 19:21 · · · 3 · 0
Backpack and Snorkel

#Rarotonga is the most popular #tourist #destination in the Cook Islands. It has wonderfully #turquoise waters, white sand #beaches and some good #swimming and #snorkeling. But there are many other things to see and do in Rarotonga.

Burkhard Maria Zimmermann

'Now it has become a parody of itself, a place from which the local population has been exiled in the interests of #tourism and maturing #investments. Doorways have sprouted combination key safes, a telltale sign of an apartment given over to #tourist lets. A 100-year-old apothecary and shirtmaker that stood on #LaRambla for two centuries have been replaced by shops selling flamenco dolls and ceramic bulls.'

‘A vicious circle’: how the roof blew off Spain’s housing crisis

Rents spiral and neighbourhoods lose charm as cities…

The Guardian
Jan 20, 2025, 09:09 · · · 0 · 0
Backpack and Snorkel

With some of the best museums in the Middle East, a mixture of traditional and ultra-modern living, and stunning #desert landscapes, #Qatar is also one of the fastest growing #tourist destinations in the world. Have you been there? #vacation



Thanks for adding some beauts to my collection! I used to work in the #tourist industry and have collected dumb questions for decades now.

Among my favorites:
In Sequoia NP, someone asked the front desk clerk, "Are there any undiscovered lakes you can see from the road?"
In Alaska, "What time of year do the moose turn into caribou?"