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#Introduction my blurb 

Freedom is also about undoing what has tricked us (put in place before we were born and somewhat enslaved or bound by). Learning regularly helps get your more understanding and rewards morality to get back some sense of meaning since much has been extracted out almost completely as part of pure-profit programmes or generally re-iterating power and control techniques.

The rest to read is just extra. If you hate detail probably this is good for you.

Learning our geniune individuality and respecting it is some of the most essential parts of life!!!!!

------------ EXTRA BITS BELOW ---------
Right now in 2023 I've taken a back seat to the talking to people or giving feedback to everyone, and so given up while not totally given up.

I think education together is a major way.
Some of us speed up and have to wait for others to catch up or not try over-try too hard also to keep the peace often covered up or under the surface.

Free School has been proven over my lifetime as not needing to wait or only believe in others first. DIY = Do It Yourself or at least start... and then the advice or questions come anyway... Start snd Finish fast and people can see better there is progress... often the only thing stopping people in starting anything.

You can interact and ask. We 2 can make best together as free as possible to reach somewhere in thought where alone we might not so quickly.

I mostly create / edit community education audio podcast / music / videos / transcript text etc for good people or other podcasts.

Am offline more than on but still get msgs and still reply here- might take longer than I mention below

I do your audio / film work too for free if it's for the good. I can do it offline which is good.

Our place in the world is helped by others.
We enable it for others and some forge ahead anyway.

If you're interested in life this helps! get in touch if you are as I like everything or to talk about it helps the world indirectly and directly!

he/him - A personal list of my interests:

(Made one / can help you build one / send PDF)
playing (have a real board and microphone? Let's play!)
(Self-improvement and awareness)
(Onion skins of realisation / discovery)
food (Greenhouse and outside)
/ / / /
Living / Natural Life
Engineering (like fixing computers but with willing people instead)
/ Making Lists (Point Extraction, Analysis & ReUse)
/ / (can offer advice)
people / (Learning Lessons)
/ Care / Consideration (towards unity in human family and the 'how?')
(Harmonising and balance)
(fascinating developments / potentials)
/ (want to answer my questions?!)
editing / moderating (group meetings / personal conversations)

All genuine interest. I'm also responsive, so whatever you're thinking I don't mind.


Freedom and Justice is gained by Learning Together... (actually learning to respect each other too)
Less money 🏦 :cc_nc: :💱 📈 📉 🤑 💳
AND MORE :red_heart: ✅ 🧠 🤔 🗯️ ❓

In short: Participation!... No other way around Justice and Freedom if you don't participate and this is what this profile is for.

No need star my toots, send a reply!
Boosting the toots is a real way in which stuff travels through Mastodon and can be tried (hoping for more participation and practice here). and

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→ Info-graphics / Memes / Pictures

→ Audio Topics & Conversations
My Wisdom / Culture / Business Analysis

+ I actually reply (yes some people don't even reply!)!
+ not over-emotional in replying (a real benefit / less side-effects) but stickler to important details
+ Directly said (things usually people don't say / can't say / over-polite but helps in REAL LEARNING)
+ More available (like audio chat later down the line)
+ DIY example → Ask... Self-made house?

More info → click 'Media' or 'Toots' or Direct Message


Words of wisdom (MY WORDS):

Everything is easier when you test it
Everything is easier when you know *how* to test it
Everything is clearer when you give it more time and respect.
Everything is easier when you know what it's for and what it means to others (both how to test / ask and how to respect)...

Everything is easier when you know how... yes so participation with me or others allows you to know things, then it's easier and clearer to make your decision(s).

Humans effect everything much more globally (now that money etc funnels things more than ever) and often it's a copy of people getting coralled into the same bad ways (the Gov template of catching it's fishes) - we need to know the bad / good and apply the right stuff daily so we don't get eaten alive.

I personally help whoever with almost anything mutual, it's your 'job' to enjoy what you like AND explore other things - I just ask and say what I like also.

I also edit other people's audio and video as basic cut and re-arrange them into different order for best bits or the wanted parts / highlights + name or transcribe them (audio to text).


I might ask why you want to follow me so be ready to say (0 engagement I don't understand the point of)

I'm here to make change, yours, mine, others.
What are you here for / Find out here / explore yourself...

"It is disgraceful to be unable to use our good things." Aristotle quote + interesting book .... 

quote about
(I mean a on !)

I guess Aristotle understood how sterile things can get when so much 'could be good' or as isolated tools are very good but when regulated (divided) and restricted (rules) they are only 'good' mostly for money-making and taking tax % from all transactions... so towards centralizing power - not really much else as the main lead in life as people come and go and it's even more centrailsed...

from @bibliolater
I'm (title below) Aristotle in the Preface

📚 Stand out of our Light: Freedom and Resistance in the Attention Economy 👀


(it's eBook ):

It's in your interest to let us take over.

(same copied all around the world)

OK, just sign here...

"I did not receive an answer." Not answering people might work but in the worst of ways too... 

Example from reTweet

- @jeremycorbyn

" Before this election, I asked successive governments if they would create safe routes for asylum seekers.

I did not receive an answer.

Yesterday, I asked a Labour government if it would create safe routes for asylum seekers.

I did not receive an answer. "

Not people might but in the worst of too...
Not answering people might work but in the worst of ways too...

A way to cover up doesn't work....

Fear feeds others (bullies and bosses)... 

Lots of pandering and politeness and not enough reality - respect for hierarchy is what this is usually based on,,,,

Fear feeds others (bullies and bosses)...

And people feed it to them!

The bankers got bailed out and we got sold out... 

The bankers got bailed out and we got sold out.

- Twitter through filter

and optionally here a list of Nitters

Admins - User the user mass better in more areas - "Without the users you're fucked / have problems also!" 

If you think about any kind of project - you need mass.

And also users start acting up / finding shitty things to do if you don't give them something to do.


And if you don't "align" people in a kind of human way (through constant talking, heart, mind, soul) and after that down the line getting close to assimilating ourselves (humanity as one species as part of the same whole) then you get people frustrated from not being listened to as individual (yes every single one needs listening to) and people get angry and from lack of better example or training, act up.

So you users as a challenge or problem either way (same as in life, can't be too defensive, you will lose it all).


1/ Accepting the problem, deal with emotions more personally and through others, some trained some learning from the observing of these things.

2/ Make a way for 2 way communication and not just TEXT as the medium (it loses humanness). So audio and video for those that want and like it / accepting the risk and audio is probably best of all worlds.
Again can't just have text only world and audio over internet to reach human voice is the way.

3/ Continue an education and advice so it's like a school - not just free space.
Everything is political (meaning personal choice with some or no understanding) so it's on us to level up everything indirectly and occasionally directly - to really set things straight.

4/ Use mass and you users for their skill - a lot they offer but simply people haven't taken it - find a way but again humanly else you become cold and so does the work a bit like .

5/ The real work is "the people work" of communication and interaction WITH each other) and everything else falls into place after that...

More later...

- User the mass better in more areas - "Without the users you're fucked / have also!"

...invisible forces that run the country... #Bigtech #BigAuto #Industry #Powers #RichPeople 

Ok this phrase sounds like something new enough / unsaid enough on it's own so for my reference also I put that line here an say..,

...invisible forces that run the country...

... Yes that's when you get so close to do what is really unwanted by those really in a lot of power (perhaps not direct power but accumulatively - like stopping banks or getting close to regulating the automotive industry for seal-bets <--- many things were a so bullied and illogical back then before they got standardised or focused on by who single-handed almost did all the work suicidal as he is!
or - with inventors or whole crews dying... sure every one was an accident !

...invisible forces that run the country..." yes they will surely will do something about things...

The link is about president assassination theory but no need visit link if you had enough theory... it's just to say I took half a line from here:

live ons!
[ proxy / filtering ] for list of alternative Nitter filters !

And we need more self-hosted please!

(main went down but code and self-hosting lives on!)

💲🏦 Money = A Loan of a Loan !! ..... All L o a n💲 ! ? ! ? 

More if you want it:
All money was loaned to start and then bank loaned 2-10 times more than it actually has (not just what's sitting in your account as a free loan to them but virtually loaning more by getting more people to sign "I promise to pay bank back more" putting responsibility on people who sign for a house loan over 30yrs for example and pay TONS of interest meanwhile as money devalues not making things better)

Money as a loan to start or virtual amount from a loan means a lot of virtual / created number (not necessarily money just numbers!) -

in fact quite possibly all of it now is JUST NUMBERS from the different "RESET" and bank bail outs in this century alone (public pot$ taken and given to bank to equalise what banks could not pay themselves from making so much "money" !!

🏦 A Bank or loan shark 🦈 (!) is basically a shop for "selling money" even if it does other more minor functions.

Am I wrong David ? (RIP)
or those that know more / have read ?


#anthropology #graeber

currently making my way thru debt the first 5000 years.

Anyone get the sense that billionaires and all aristocrats operate in honor and treasure? They are distinct from a business mindset. Different culture, different senses of value.

Swearing gets people attention where other ways fail.

Kind cool and depend how much you care with a measure load of kung-FU you can make a nicer mix if getting ignored and authority ignoring you! Just know what to do after swearing :)

#Answers #Life Perfection stops me from doing things or giving it to others to do - Do the opposite of perfection,(while not breaking things intentionally etc) and you can get more stuff done in yourself (it's a mind thing) 

Usually perfection is not needed either. And you can achieve getting over the hill and then work onward from that level. But if you plan too much in one go, sometimes it's a non-starter:

- Time just passes endlessly and you did 0) + these other reasons

+ it can be a different playing field once you get to there to an nth step - so can waste your planning stage too (you didn't need all the equipment you thought)

+ others don't see what you are doing (if you started earlier) and don't join

+ more things

Perfection I found stops others who don't do things (at all) when perfection is mind. They feel they have to shoot 10 targets in a row with 1 shot or they fail.
It has to be such a clean synthetic job that that though itself is opposite to nature (it's not 100% synthetic or should be bleach white all the time!)

So getting has dirty and even 'wasting shots' (using more ammo / attempts to do something) makes sense since we are also fragmenting work - so while in grass and plants I am in that mode and mood to do something else.

If can keep thinking and time slicing, then that is "perfection" enough without needing to call it that :ablobwink:

I can't believe that I didn't think of #Broligarch sooner. 😅

"Biden’s debate disaster, Trump’s victorious assassination survival, and now Silicon Valley’s ascension to the presidential ticket. The broligarchs have made their move – and the rest of us need to understand exactly what that means."

🔥 . . . . . :nes_fire: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

:nes_fire: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sorry, we couldn't find any humans here you can talk to. They all think doing "family" and "job" thinking that is enough while the rest burns. 🔥

Your family and mine, same - really.
At least working towards that. Which means talking / improving comms.

(Else we get taken the fuck over!)
🛩️ 💣 🏦 💵 ✈️ 🚁 :handheld:

Don't wait for enemies to come to you. We *have to* make friends (!)
You and your bank account (made from debt creation) is not going to save you or your children for long.

"System of Love"... #Answers = Improve #Communication = Improve #Life - Better Interaction + Practise of words - e.g. love / care / respect + more vocabulary words and meanings relative to people AND relativity between themselves as humans... (picture & text definition) :thumbsup_hmn_h2: 

Better Habits and Communication = Better Understanding of Life... At home, in relationships, all Environment and People could do better... Yours, ⭐+🔔

"System of Love" is the practice of love / care / respect using wider vocabulary, so words and meanings become more relative to people and more relativity grow between them...

(see picture & text - maybe print?)

Consider printing the picture and putting on fridge or wall! 🖼️
People will talk about it or help English language.

VOCABULARY BELOW ==============


(able to be measured) (adjective)

(regular - with constant frequency)


(actual operation or experiment, in contrast to theory) (noun)

(to introduce - to bring into practice)

(to grow stronger)


(quality of being honest) (noun)


(close attention, concern or responsibility) (noun)


(the quality, clarity or sharpness of speech)


(to pay attention to a sound) (verb)
(hear out until that person has finished) (verb)


(characterized by affirmation, constructiveness, or influence for the better; favourable)

(affiliation - The relationship resulting from affiliating one thing with another) (noun)

(association - a connection to or an affiliation with something)


(event(s) of which one is cognizant) (noun)

(activity which one has performed) (noun)


(sociable, gregarious, affable)
(friendly, courteous, sociable) (adjective)


(inquisitiveness; the tendency to ask questions, investigate, or explore) (noun)


(deep awareness of the suffering of another) (noun)


(image-making power of the mind) (noun)

(creativity or creative thoughts)


(regular in timing or other way)


(treatment of disease) (noun)

(psychological study)

(social psychology / counselling)

(counselling / ontology (study of being) (noun)

psychosis (mental disorder or distortion) (noun)


(quality of being transparent) (noun)


(expression or feeling of certainty) (noun)

(self-assurance) (noun)


(religious - committed to the practice of religion)

(commit - to pledge or bind; to compromise, expose, or endanger) (verb)


(any great emotion) (noun)

(suffering of Jesus) (noun)

(theology - study of God, or a god, or gods) (noun)


(tolerance) (noun)

(to have regard for the rights of others) (verb)

(self-respect - knowledge of one's own worth) (noun)

(admiration for a person)

(to honour - (show praiseworthiness, respect) (noun)

(to bow (to bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference)


(to a moderate, in some degree or level of presence or position) (adverb)


(quality of being sincere) (noun)


(method of human thought) (noun)

(theory in logic - a set of axioms and all statements derivable from them) (noun)


(thought experiment)

(practice / practical experiment - actual operation or experiment, in contrast to theory experiment)


(evangelistic - enthusiasm for a cause or teaching about some parts of something)

(religious evangelism - promoting the preaching and dissemination of the Christian gospel, teachings of Jesus or any of the spiritual leaders who are assumed to be authors of the Gospels in the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John)

(to value highly) (verb)

(to be grateful for something) (verb)

(admiration - adoration) (noun)

(health, safety, well-being, happiness and prosperity) (noun)

(humanitarian concerned with people's welfare) (adjective)

(humanity - human beings as a group) (noun)


(removal of stress or discomfort) (noun)

(catharsis - a therapeutic technique to relieve tension) (noun)

(assist - help) (verb)

assistant (person who assists or helps someone else)


(forbearing, forgiving, tolerant)


(tolerance (ability to tolerate) (noun)


awareness (the state of consciousness) (noun)

awareness (the consciousness of a state, or state of mind) (noun)


(receptiveness to new things) (noun)

(intimacy - feeling of closeness and openness towards someone else) (noun)


(action of the verb 'to reason') (noun)

(rational - capable of reasoning) (adjective)


(quality of being diverse; difference) (noun)

(biodiversity - diversity of flora and fauna) (noun)


(meeting - gathering for a purpose) (noun)

(merging of similar or different elements into a union)

(Flowing - liquid or metaphorically; flowing freely like water; fluid; not solid and not gaseous)

(mix - stir two or more substances together) (verb)


(have fun - enjoy oneself) (verb)

(fun - enjoyment or amusement) (noun)

(have fun - wish someone a good time) (interjection)


(being kind) (noun)

(heart - emotions or kindness) (noun)


(quality of being patient) (noun)

(not losing one's temper while waiting) (adjective)


(personal view of the world) (noun)

(globalisation - process of going to a more interconnected world) (noun)

▌UNWANTED globalisation (a process of making world economy dominated by capitalist models) (noun)

(unity - the state of being one or undivided) (noun)

(friendship (countable) - friendly relationship) (noun)

(religion - system of beliefs dealing with soul, deity and/or life after death) (noun)


(to balance / counterbalance)

(to equilibrate - to bring into equilibrium)

▌(credit and debit - balance of an account) which as a banking system can never be balanced as money is constantly loaned again and again creating more debt than equalisation

▌(debt / society balance - an action, state of mind, or object one has as an obligation to perform for another) (noun)

▌(money owing - that one person or entity owes or is required to pay to another) (noun)

(well-balanced; in equilibrium itself or eco-system) (adjective)

(mentally stable and free from psychological disorder) (adjective)

(Calm, serene, well-balanced, all-rounder).


(fact of knowing about something; understanding, familiarity with information) (noun)

(study - mental effort to acquire knowledge) (noun)

identity (knowledge of who one is) (noun)


(quality of a confident character) (noun)

(gutsy - marked by courage) (adjective)

(courageous (of an action, that requires courage) (adjective)

(bold courageous, daring) (adjective)

(direction - indication of the point toward which an object is moving) (noun)


(coherence - quality of cohering; of being coherent) (noun)

(coherent - orderly, logical and consistent) (adjective)


(good-natured - of or pertaining to a perpetual kind disposition) (adjective)

(the forces or will of good) (noun)

(as a result of good will by someone / a group) (noun)

(showing friendliness or goodwill - warm, approachable)

(fair, justified) (adjective)

(self-denial - an action that sacrifices one's own benefit for the good of others) (noun)


(state of being free of physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction) (noun)

(psychological fitness - general level of positive or thoughts) (adjective)

(body fitness- general physical structure of a human or animal) (noun)

(cure - a method, device or medication that restores good health) (noun)

█Healthy Community

(community - group of people sharing a common understanding) (noun)

(perception - conscious understanding of something) (noun)


(process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgement) (noun)

(self-study (study without the aid of a formal education institution) (noun)

(self-education; self-directed learning) (noun)


(fulfilment of a need or desire) (noun)


(persevere - to live, survive) (verb)

(Psychology: perseverate - repeat a response after the cessation of the original stimulus)


(union of interests, purposes or sympathies among members of a group)

(unifying bond between individuals with common goal or enemy) (noun)

(psychological or material support) (noun)

to solidify (to become solid)


(act of reflecting, thinking more)

(careful thought or consideration) (noun)


(understanding situation)

(sympathy - as a person / humanity) (noun)


(free from anger and anxiety) (adjective)

(calmly - in a calm manner) (adverb)

(condition of being unworried and free from anger) (noun)

(peaceful - motionless and calm; placid) (adjective)

(relaxation - act of relaxing or the state of being relaxed) (noun)


(showing regard for others) (adjective)

(affable - friendly, courteous, sociable) (adjective)


(easily bent without breaking) (adjective)

(flexibility - quality of being flexible) (noun)


(know / grasp - to understand an idea or subject) (verb)

(to be aware of the meaning of) (verb)

▌(to stand under authority - "I understand this letter means XYZ terms and conditions...")

(hard experience shared in sympathy / consolation as a human being) (adjective)


(to treat as a sport)

(a regular "game" using of certain active variables from life and usually achievements, rewards, medals, acknowledgement given in virtual or non-virtual ways sometimes as incentive)


(not just one way always)

(to play and have fun in other ways)


(messages or interaction between people)

(carrier of a way, acting as messenger for a person or philosophy)



(not giving up easily)


(being flexible with someone or about any issue or topic)

(grasping / knowing the real core point of it all, usually from time invested and dedicated looks into something)

(empathy / sympathy)


(travel for the purpose of discovery)

(careful systematic search)

(systematic consideration)


We all want for love / care / respect "or else" the opposites start to occur like cancer (various levels) and things (people) get left neglected and also untrained.

We let the bad in by not doing the good basically as it's a kind of maintenance / repair-as-you go.
NOT just "we wait until it's fully broken!" or when person gets suicidal!)
Just the way things are and how things get without caring and doing the people work in every level of life during everything.

As much as you "don't have time" all these things (or their opposites) do catch up - so this is actually saving your time when you family or project doesn't fall apart!!! The damage is reduced / people don't waste our time later or bad things happen still but not without healthy use of healthy ways and even disconnection can be done better at the end and lessons learned much better ! So to practise talking now (at whatever level) pays off in the end to do more careful work together / constructing something beyond

Capitalism also as we have learned CAPITALISM DOESN'T WORK - it does care for what you think or choose - it's mostly authoritarian and profit-minded.

It can mean starting something from this perspective that communication is better - because it's true many people just won't listen - but who is also offering or training people in these things - maybe you with this printed!

Yu literally have to create life yourself if it doesn't exist (on top of existing very pure sources, like I did with this list from the dictionary !!
Once you as individually and family learn to print and share these things (stick on your fridge/door), it's techniques and sentiments can "live on themselves" (in others)...


Love / care / respect is an intentional system, individually carried out for overall humanity - I'm not an NGO or anything big but as a human I stand or good - measurably, words and actions.

This can also start with you and more people taking just 1 picture and having the atmosphere of it reach others (give peaceful words a chance?)... We just needs humans to spread it somewhat and daily conversations get better as and people talk more and pass better words on

Sticking it up somewhere (friedge or wall) as is a good conversation point and piece of interest / meditation / discussion during dinner etc.

💌 Much love goes out to humanity, get in contact if interested... 💌

We know how it feels without love of various kinds (at work, home, outside) - so let's not neglect any of these smaller things - I'm not even talking big "love" / hippyness, but the smaller things and bigger efforts to improve vocabulary and practice it at home / on the internet as group chats etc... all can be a better therapy 💌

"System of Love" is from a list I collected over the years in my own relationships and looked them all up either from my words, partners or observations (everyone in my life!)

Related to love, care and respect needed between people more words are sometimes very crucial in heated battles or complex situations... learn well as it makes for less anger or else all hell breaks loose! 😃

Boost :boost: 🚀 if you would like to see more of these things practised in life.

and perhaps are not alway emotionally minded or trained so it's also for people who dont' get exposed to why it's important to talk (to human, not just computers!).
Even as a science or biology consider of that mainly starts and ends with emotions (human input ouput) - check out Bruce Liption!

That goes beyond externally programming machines and more capitalistic styles of hiring people just to get stuff done - because computers and capitalism are without caring mostly and don't ask or design around what people think - it's mostly top-down authoritative (at least in modern day STEM).

Learning love (or to love others) or even to fight well, isn't exactly what school teaches everyone so we need these kinds of posters and reminders...

of -

#Capitalism 's idea is to make things smaller and charge more for it. 

Examples (maybe not the best):

Big bags of rice 10kg vs. 10 x 1kg packs... Maybe not against the whole thing of smaller but when it's only small and not big that's bad choice and economy.

Also if it's to encouraging people to re-visit by selling small then that's a my idea of (which is my word claim like even though it's not a totally new word but never seen it used here or hashtagged)

👵 Maybe for old ladies who can't handle 5kg / 10kg (or have relatives to buy big bags) but only 1kg in ships (if that's the case) isn't great...

and overall is just general example of Capitalism where it introduces, then makes money when it knows people need /want something... even though it continue without these added tactics (price could go up but not as testing on human mice)

🍚 💲 🍚
💲 🥘 💲

AND - Inviting people to take over by using money

When you respect and use money so highly, it's not far from inviting yourself to be taken over eventually.

All things being bought and sold leads to bigger things being bought and sold (like who villages, that kind of thing where 1 person makes a decision and like the game pieces, where all the colours are flipped when that one piece at the ends are changed - the colour or makes a decision one day changes everything or simply re-labels it even though a village can stay simingly the same).

Imagine that Thailand is now overrun by China / Chinese or just external money.

America (or any powerhouse which outputs money) also has the same in other places... if the dollar is dominant, then it can literally pull like string and make places crumble by their use of money.

SCARY BUT IF WE WISE UP WE CAN MINIMIZE THE POWER OF MONEY AND LOOK FOR WAYS MORE LOCALLY OR NOT ALL-IN MONEY. Even shops from abroad etc... all helps them and takes money out usually of places while just paying high rents which locals also can't pay (think Starbucks on high street pushing rents up because USA can pay it)

Give people what they want to do, else they will surely find something else (sometimes creating bad work or complaining instead of fulfilling their strengths which yes you have to invest in exploring)

DISCLAIMER- Relative to general life and all governing leadership, not just recent conversations

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