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User Notifications for Fediverse people and FAST responses! Instant pop-ups for my posts or any user (text popup fades out after a few seconds)... 

Notifications and Instant Updates for me or any user's posts.

( pop-up is only a few seconds and fades out itself ... discreet and small box. )

1. CLICK FOLLOW :follow:

2. CLICK BELL!... done!
Put your mouse over bell to check it's status.

Best of all is that you can jump on what you do like instantly or Skip it all if you like,

Being responsive is super.

Switch off any time per user...

(Choose who you like with 🔔 and switch off if you're not into them any more)..

NOTE: Locked accounts (🔒) need to be accepted first...
- Sometime users with locked accounts or 🔒 next to their name need them to accept you before you can follow them and then bell will appear after to click 🔔


+ Click Bell

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Click 🔔 bell for Instant Notifications on selected user profiles... (short video) 

Click 🔔 bell for Instant Notifications on selected user profiles... (short video)

█ pop-ups help see topics, and ignore or check posts at the same time
█ pop-up fades out after a few seconds after showing first few lines...

- Don't miss out / fall behind / respond more instantly = a responsive Fediverse
- Get posts while working online, not later, later, never!

Boost 🚀 :boost: 🚀 + add notification for me!

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System of Love... is measurable practice of these things related to love and care between people... (picture & text) 

System of Love... is measurable practice of these things listed related to love or care between people... (picture & text)

Love is also a system... often a better method for humans...

(once they learn / share / practice it's techniques and sentiments).

-------------- VOCABULARY BELOW -------------

měřitelný measurable (able to be measured) (adjective)
pravidelný {cs-adj} regular (with constant frequency)

praxe {f} practice (actual operation or experiment, in contrast to theory) (noun)
zavést {{cs-verb|a=p|aa=zavádět}} to introduce (to bring into practice)
sílit {{cs-verb|a=i}} To grow stronger.

poctivost {n} honesty (quality of being honest) (noun)

péče care (close attention, concern or responsibility) (noun)

Zmatek articulation (the quality, clarity or sharpness of speech)

poslouchat listen (to pay attention to a sound) (verb)
vyslechnout hear out (to listen to someone until that person has finished) (verb)
znělost {f} voice (sound of the kind or quality heard in speech or song in the consonants b, v, d, etc., and in the vowels) (noun)
posluchač {{cs-noun|g=m}} listener
posluchači rozhlasu listener (someone who listens, especially to a speech or a broadcast)

afekce {{cs-noun|g=f}} affection (disease; morbid symptom; malady)
pozitivní {cs-adj} positive (characterized by affirmation, constructiveness, or influence for the better; favourable)
affiliation (The relationship resulting from affiliating one thing with another) (noun)
asociace {{cs-noun|g=f}} association (a connection to or an affiliation with something)

zkušenost {f}, zážitek {m} experience (event(s) of which one is cognizant) (noun)
zážitek {m} experience (activity which one has performed) (noun)

družný sociable, gregarious
vlídný {m}, přívětivý {m} affable (friendly, courteous, sociable) (adjective)

zvědavost {f} curiosity (inquisitiveness; the tendency to ask questions, investigate, or explore) (noun)

soustrast {f}, soucit {f} compassion (deep awareness of the suffering of another) (noun)

představivost {f} imagination (image-making power of the mind) (noun)

spolehlivost {{cs-noun|g=f}} reliability

terapie {f} therapy (treatment of disease) (noun)
psychologie psychology (study)
sociální poradenský {cs-adj} | poradenská social psychology counseling (when used attributively) | counseling
ontologie {f} ontology (study of being) (noun)
léčba {f}, (treatment of disease)
psychóza {f} psychosis (mental disorder) (noun)

průhlednost {f} transparency (quality of being transparent; transparence) (noun)

jistota {f} confidence (expression or feeling of certainty) (noun)
sebevědomí {n} confidence (self-assurance) (noun)

religiózní {{cs-adj|g=}} religious (committed to the practice of religion)
zapsat commit (to pledge or bind; to compromise, expose, or endanger) (verb)

vášeň {f} passion (any great emotion) (noun)
pašije {f|p} passion (suffering of Jesus) (noun)
teologie {f} theology (study of God, or a god, or gods) (noun)

ohled {m} respect (tolerance) (noun)
brát ohled respect (to have regard for the rights of others) (verb)
sebeúcta {f} self-respect (knowledge of one's own worth) (noun)
úcta {{cs-noun|g=f}} respect (admiration for a person)
ctít {{cs-verb|a=i}} {transitive} to honor (to show respect)
klanět {{cs-verb|a=i}} {{cs-reflexive|d}} to bow (to bend oneself as a gesture of respect or deference)
čest {f} honour (objectification of praiseworthiness, respect) (noun)

mírně, středně moderately (to a moderate degree) (adverb)
umírněnost {{cs-noun|g=f}} moderation

upřímnost {f} sincerity (quality of being sincere) (noun)

logika {f} logic (method of human thought) (noun)
teorie {f} theory (in logic: a set of axioms and all statements derivable from them) (noun)

myšlenkový experiment {{cs-noun|g=m|sg=myšlenkový experiment}} thought experiment {{context|physics|philosophy}}
praxe {{cs-noun|g=f}} practice (actual operation or experiment, in contrast to theory)

učení {{cs-noun|g=n}} teaching
učitelský {cs-adj} teaching
evangelium {{cs-noun|g=n}} | novozákonní evangelia | evangelium podle Matouše gospel (an account of the life, death, resurrection, and teachings of Jesus) | -- | The Gospel According to Matthew

cenit, oceňovat appreciate (to value highly) (verb)
vážit si, být vděčný appreciate (to be grateful for something) (verb)
obdiv {m} admiration (adoration; appreciation) (noun)

blaho {n} welfare (health, safety, well-being, happiness and prosperity) (noun)
humanitární humanitarian (concerned with people's welfare) (adjective)
lidstvo {n} humanity (human beings as a group) (noun)

úleva {f} relief (removal of stress or discomfort) (noun)
katarze {f} catharsis (a therapeutic technique to relieve tension) (noun)
pomáhat, asistovat assist (help) (verb)
asistent {{cs-noun|g=m}} assistant (person who assists or helps someone else)

shovívavý {cs-adj} forbearing, forgiving, tolerant

snášenlivost {f}, tolerance {f} tolerance (ability to tolerate) (noun)
trpět {{cs-verb|a=i}} to tolerate

vědomí {n} awareness (the state of consciousness) (noun)
informovanost {{cs-noun|g=f}} awareness

otevřenost {f} openness (receptiveness to new things) (noun)
důvěrnost {f} intimacy (feeling of closeness and openness towards someone else) (noun)

uvažování {n} reasoning (action of the verb 'to reason') (noun)
racionální rational (capable of reasoning) (adjective)

rozmanitost {f} diversity (quality of being diverse; difference) (noun)
biodiverzita {f} biodiversity (diversity of flora and fauna) (noun)

Meeting schůze {n}, shromáždění {n}, zasedání {n} meeting (gathering for a purpose) (noun)
Merging fúze {{cs-noun|g=f}} fusion (the merging of similar or different elements into a union)
Flowing kapalný {cs-adj} liquid (flowing freely like water; fluid; not solid and not gaseous)
míchat mix (stir two or more substances together) (verb)

bavit se have fun (enjoy oneself) (verb)
zábava {f}, legrace {f} fun (enjoyment or amusement) (noun)
bav se (unformal), bavte se (formal) have fun (wish someone a good time) (interjection)

laskavost {f} kindness (being kind) (noun)
srdce {n} heart (emotions or kindness) (noun)

trpělivost {f} patience (quality of being patient) (noun)
trpělivý {m} patient (not losing one's temper while waiting) (adjective)

světový názor {m}, světonázor {m} worldview (personal view of the world) (noun)
globalizace {f} globalisation (process of going to a more interconnected world) (noun)
■NOT globalizace {f} globalisation (process of making world economy dominated by capitalist models) (noun)
♡ jednota {f} unity (the state of being one or undivided) (noun)
♡ přátelství {n} friendship ((countable) friendly relationship) (noun)
♡náboženství {n} religion (system of beliefs dealing with soul, deity and/or life after death) (noun/)

vyvážit / to balance, to counterbalance, to equilibrate (to bring into equilibrium)
■ zůstatek {{cs-noun|g=m}} balance (the difference between credit and debit of an account) can never be balanced / not enough money / letadlo
vyvážený, rovnovážný, vybalancovaný well-balanced (properly balanced; in equilibrium) (adjective)
vyrovnaný well-balanced (mentally stable and free from psychological disorder) (adjective)
vyrovnaný {cs-adj} Calm, serene, well-balanced.
■vrub {{cs-noun|g=m}} | Poplatek byl připsán na váš vrub. | {finance} credit | The fee was charged to the credit [of your account].
■dluh {m} debt (action, state of mind, or object one has an obligation to perform for another) (noun)
■dluh {m} debt (money that one person or entity owes or is required to pay to another) (noun)

znalost {f}, vědění {n} knowledge (fact of knowing about something; understanding, familiarity with information) (noun)
studium {n} study (mental effort to acquire knowledge) (noun)
totožnost {f}, identita {f} identity (knowledge of who one is) (noun)

odvaha {f}, kuráž {f} courage (quality of a confident character) (noun)
kurážný gutsy (marked by courage) (adjective)
odvážný {m} courageous (of an action, that requires courage) (adjective)
odvážný {m}, smělý {m}, troufalý {m} bold (courageous, daring) (adjective)
směr {m} direction (indication of the point toward which an object is moving) (noun)

soudržnost {f} coherence (quality of cohering; of being coherent) (noun)
souvislý {m}, ucelený coherent (orderly, logical and consistent) (adjective)

dobrácký good-natured (of or pertaining to a perpetual kind disposition) (adjective)
dobro {n} good (the forces of good) (noun)
dobro {n} good (good result) (noun)
přátelský amicable goodwill (showing friendliness or goodwill) (warm, approachable)
slušný {m} decent (fair; good enough; okay) (adjective)
sebezapření {n} self-denial (action that sacrifices one's own benefit for the good of others) (noun)

zdraví {n} health (state of being free of physical or psychological disease, illness, or malfunction) (noun)
○ psychologický {m} psychological (of or pertaining to psychology) (adjective)
léčba {f}, lék {m} cure (a method, device or medication that restores good health) (noun)
tělo {n} body (physical structure of a human or animal) (noun)
fit {{cs-adj|g=}} fit, healthy

Healthy Community
společenství {n}, komunita {f} community (group of people sharing a common understanding) (noun)
vnímání {n} perception (conscious understanding of something) (noun)

vzdělávání {n} education (process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment) (noun)
samostudium {n} self-study (study without the aid of a formal education institution) (noun)
samouctví {n} autodidacticism (self-education; self-directed learning) (noun)

spokojenost {n} satisfaction (fulfillment of a need or desire) (noun)
naplnění {{cs-noun|g=n}} fulfillment (satisfaction)

vytrvalý {cs-adj} perseverant
žít live (survive, persevere) (verb)

solidarita {f} solidarity (unifying bond between individuals with common goal or enemy) (noun)
solidarita {f} solidarity (psychological or material support) (noun)26
tuhnout {{cs-verb|a=i}} {intransitive} to solidify (to become solid)

odraz {{cs-noun|g=m}} reflection (act of reflecting)
úvaha {f}, reflexe {f} reflection (careful thought or consideration) (noun)

vcítění {{cs-noun|g=n}} empathy
pochopení {n}, porozumění {n} understanding (Sympathy) (noun)

klidný {m} calm (free from anger and anxiety) (adjective)
klidně calmly (in a calm manner) (adverb)
klid {m}calm (condition of being unworried and free from anger) (noun)
klidný peaceful (motionless and calm; placid) (adjective)
uvolnění {n} relaxation (act of relaxing or the state of being relaxed) (noun)

zdvořilý, slušný courteous (showing regard for others) (adjective)
vlídný {m}, přívětivý {m} affable (friendly, courteous, sociable) (adjective)

ohebný {m} flexible (easily bent without breaking) (adjective)
ohebnost {f} flexibility (quality of being flexible) (noun)

pochopit grasp (to understand) (verb)
znát know (understand (a subject)) (verb)
rozumět understand (to be aware of the meaning of) (verb)
těžký {m}, obtížný {m} hard (requiring a lot of effort to do or understand) (adjective)

aktivně {{cs-adv|aktivněji|nejaktivněji}} actively
Variace Variation
Hrát si - play and have fun

Posel (messenger)
Anděl (angel)

Dát giving

Ohebný (flexible)
Pochopit (to grasp)
Vcítění (empathy)


Pinned toot

#Introduction my blurb 

Freedom is also about undoing what has tricked us (put in place before we were born and somewhat enslaved or bound by). Learning regularly helps get your more understanding and rewards morality to get back some sense of meaning since much has been extracted out almost completely as part of pure-profit programmes or generally re-iterating power and control techniques.

The rest to read is just extra. If you hate detail probably this is good for you.

Learning our geniune individuality and respecting it is some of the most essential parts of life!!!!!

------------ EXTRA BITS BELOW ---------
Right now in 2023 I've taken a back seat to the talking to people or giving feedback to everyone, and so given up while not totally given up.

I think education together is a major way.
Some of us speed up and have to wait for others to catch up or not try over-try too hard also to keep the peace often covered up or under the surface.

Free School has been proven over my lifetime as not needing to wait or only believe in others first. DIY = Do It Yourself or at least start... and then the advice or questions come anyway... Start snd Finish fast and people can see better there is progress... often the only thing stopping people in starting anything.

You can interact and ask. We 2 can make best together as free as possible to reach somewhere in thought where alone we might not so quickly.

I mostly create / edit community education audio podcast / music / videos / transcript text etc for good people or other podcasts.

Am offline more than on but still get msgs and still reply here- might take longer than I mention below

I do your audio / film work too for free if it's for the good. I can do it offline which is good.

Our place in the world is helped by others.
We enable it for others and some forge ahead anyway.

If you're interested in life this helps! get in touch if you are as I like everything or to talk about it helps the world indirectly and directly!

he/him - A personal list of my interests:

(Made one / can help you build one / send PDF)
playing (have a real board and microphone? Let's play!)
(Self-improvement and awareness)
(Onion skins of realisation / discovery)
food (Greenhouse and outside)
/ / / /
Living / Natural Life
Engineering (like fixing computers but with willing people instead)
/ Making Lists (Point Extraction, Analysis & ReUse)
/ / (can offer advice)
people / (Learning Lessons)
/ Care / Consideration (towards unity in human family and the 'how?')
(Harmonising and balance)
(fascinating developments / potentials)
/ (want to answer my questions?!)
editing / moderating (group meetings / personal conversations)

All genuine interest. I'm also responsive, so whatever you're thinking I don't mind.


Freedom and Justice is gained by Learning Together... (actually learning to respect each other too)
Less money 🏦 :cc_nc: :💱 📈 📉 🤑 💳
AND MORE :red_heart: ✅ 🧠 🤔 🗯️ ❓

In short: Participation!... No other way around Justice and Freedom if you don't participate and this is what this profile is for.

No need star my toots, send a reply!
Boosting the toots is a real way in which stuff travels through Mastodon and can be tried (hoping for more participation and practice here). and

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ Follow me & Get ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

→ Info-graphics / Memes / Pictures

→ Audio Topics & Conversations
My Wisdom / Culture / Business Analysis

+ I actually reply (yes some people don't even reply!)!
+ not over-emotional in replying (a real benefit / less side-effects) but stickler to important details
+ Directly said (things usually people don't say / can't say / over-polite but helps in REAL LEARNING)
+ More available (like audio chat later down the line)
+ DIY example → Ask... Self-made house?

More info → click 'Media' or 'Toots' or Direct Message


Words of wisdom (MY WORDS):

Everything is easier when you test it
Everything is easier when you know *how* to test it
Everything is clearer when you give it more time and respect.
Everything is easier when you know what it's for and what it means to others (both how to test / ask and how to respect)...

Everything is easier when you know how... yes so participation with me or others allows you to know things, then it's easier and clearer to make your decision(s).

Humans effect everything much more globally (now that money etc funnels things more than ever) and often it's a copy of people getting coralled into the same bad ways (the Gov template of catching it's fishes) - we need to know the bad / good and apply the right stuff daily so we don't get eaten alive.

I personally help whoever with almost anything mutual, it's your 'job' to enjoy what you like AND explore other things - I just ask and say what I like also.

I also edit other people's audio and video as basic cut and re-arrange them into different order for best bits or the wanted parts / highlights + name or transcribe them (audio to text).


I might ask why you want to follow me so be ready to say (0 engagement I don't understand the point of)

I'm here to make change, yours, mine, others.
What are you here for / Find out here / explore yourself...

After a long wait, it's finally here. FreeTube now supports user created playlists! The new v0.20.0 release has dropped and comes with a plethora of new changes along with the new playlists functionality.

You can check out the full release notes over on GitHub. You can download the new release over on our website.

#freetube #privacy #opensource

Mastodon Backup Viewer Tool - View Your Post Archives in Browser Offline !!
🚀 Amazing - Boost 🚀

(JSON archive file to human readable HTML style page)

Why this tool is needed ?

⚠️ Mastodon DOES NOT HAVE it's own way to show your own posts archive OFFLINE in a HUMAN READABLE format!



If you delete your profile / move / admin quits server / servers corrupts then you don't have your own posts in a way you can read!!


What kind of micro-blogger doesn't have already a tool or format you can read yourself in the same way online? Mastodon !

Your backup (if you save it) is 1 big text file, with lines of code parameters + text of posts mixed between it all (all stuck together) - so 1 long line of code and post text, which isn't great as a backup!
No images just hyperlinks to the offline image files if you have them !! :picardfacepalm: :facepalm: :picardwtf:




This tool helps see them offline at least if you're going to move or lose your online server:

CREDIT TO helge:

Solutions + Answers

Quick How-To....

Go to "Edit profile"
...then Import / Export...
Data Export
Download TAR.GZ Archive file
Extract OUTBOX.JSON file
Open file at

Longer How-To... / Step-by-step

1. "Edit profile" page (while logged in)

2. Import / Export > Data Export

e.g. you should end up at

3. Create Export / Backup (export takes a bit of time)

3. Download the export file (a TAR.GZ file - need a zip-like program to open)

4. Extract OUTBOX.JSON file out of this downloaded TAR.GZ file

5. Use to open!

6. Save (print / export to PDF / PNG / MP4 scrolling capture)

:mastodon: :mastodance: :mastodon_oops: 🚀 Amazing - Boost 🚀 :mastodance: :mastodon: :mastodon_oops:

Stephen Hawking #Polyamory type stuff / relationships + other facts 

type stuff /

TLDR facts;

1/ Hawking was accommodating to another man in his wife's life as long as she loved him also.

2/ Hawking commented that "I can communicate better now than before I lost my voice."

3/ "Philosophy is unnecessary"

4/ Association with atheism and freethinking

5/ Hawking was disappointed by Brexit and warned against envy and isolationism.

6/ Supporter of a universal basic income.

7/ He was critical of the Israeli government's position on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, stating that their policy "is likely to lead to disaster."

8/ In 2015, he applied to trademark his name

LONGER EXCERPTS for the above

Around December 1977, wife Jane met organist Jonathan Hellyer Jones when singing in a church choir.

Hellyer Jones became close to the Hawking family and, by the mid-1980s, he and Jane had developed romantic feelings for each other.

According to Jane, her husband was accepting of the situation, stating "he would not object so long as I continued to love him".

Jane and Hellyer Jones were determined not to break up the family, and their relationship remained platonic for a long period.

By the 1980s, Hawking's marriage had been strained for many years. Jane felt overwhelmed by the intrusion into their family life of the required nurses and assistants.

Hawking's views of religion also contrasted with her strong Christian faith and resulted in tension.

After a tracheotomy in 1985, Hawking required a full-time nurse and nursing care was split across three shifts daily.

In the late 1980s, Hawking grew close to one of his nurses, Elaine Mason, to the dismay of some colleagues, caregivers, and family members, who were disturbed by her strength of personality and protectiveness.

In February 1990, Hawking told Jane that he was leaving her for Mason and departed the family home.

After his divorce from Jane in 1995, Hawking married Mason in September, declaring, "It's wonderful – I have married the woman I love."


In 1999, Jane Hawking published a memoir, Music to Move the Stars, describing her marriage to Hawking and its breakdown.

Its revelations caused a sensation in the media but, as was his usual practice regarding his personal life, Hawking made no public comment except to say that he did not read biographies about himself.

After his second marriage, Hawking's family felt excluded and marginalised from his life. For a period of about five years in the early 2000s, his family and staff became increasingly worried that he was being physically abused

Police investigations took place, but were closed as Hawking refused to make a complaint.

In 2006, Hawking and Mason quietly divorced, and Hawking resumed closer relationships with Jane, his children, and his grandchildren.

Reflecting on this happier period, a revised version of Jane's book, re-titled Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen, appeared in 2007, and was made into a film, The Theory of Everything, in 2014.



Hawking had a rare early-onset, slow-progressing form of motor neurone disease (MND; also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig's disease), a fatal neurodegenerative disease that affects the motor neurones in the brain and spinal cord, which gradually paralysed him over decades.

The National Health Service was ready to pay for a nursing home, but Jane was determined that he would live at home. The cost of the care was funded by an American foundation.

Nurses were hired for the three shifts required to provide the round-the-clock support he required. One of those employed was Elaine Mason, who was to become Hawking's second wife.

The program was originally run on a desktop computer. Elaine Mason's husband, David, a computer engineer, adapted a small computer and attached it to his wheelchair.

Released from the need to use somebody to interpret his speech, Hawking commented that "I can communicate better now than before I lost my voice."

Hawking gradually lost the use of his hand, and in 2005 he began to control his communication device with movements of his cheek muscles, with a rate of about one word per minute.

With this decline there was a risk of him developing locked-in syndrome, so Hawking collaborated with Intel Corporation researchers on systems that could translate his brain patterns or facial expressions into switch activations. After several prototypes that did not perform as planned, they settled on an adaptive word predictor made by the London-based startup SwiftKey, which used a system similar to his original technology. Hawking had an easier time adapting to the new system, which was further developed after inputting large amounts of Hawking's papers and other written materials and uses predictive software similar to other smartphone keyboards.

In 2013, the biographical documentary film Hawking, in which Hawking himself is featured, was released. In September 2013, he expressed support for the legalisation of assisted suicide for the terminally ill.


Philosophy is unnecessary

At Google's Zeitgeist Conference in 2011, Stephen Hawking said that "philosophy is dead". He believed that philosophers "have not kept up with modern developments in science", "have not taken science sufficiently seriously and so Philosophy is no longer relevant to knowledge claims", "their art is dead" and that scientists "have become the bearers of the torch of discovery in our quest for knowledge". He said that philosophical problems can be answered by science, particularly new scientific theories which "lead us to a new and very different picture of the universe and our place in it".[355] His view was both praised and criticized

Future of humanity

n 2006, Hawking posed an open question on the Internet: "In a world that is in chaos politically, socially and environmentally, how can the human race sustain another 100 years?", later clarifying: "I don't know the answer. That is why I asked the question, to get people to think about it, and to be aware of the dangers we now face."[35

Hawking was an atheist.

Hawking's association with atheism and freethinking was in evidence from his university years onwards, when he had been a member of Oxford University's humanist group

Hawking said to Theresa May, "I deal with tough mathematical questions every day, but please don't ask me to help with Brexit." Hawking was disappointed by Brexit and warned against envy and isolationism.

Hawking was also a supporter of a universal basic income. He was critical of the Israeli government's position on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, stating that their policy "is likely to lead to disaster."

In 1988, Hawking, Arthur C. Clarke and Carl Sagan were interviewed in God, the Universe and Everything Else. They discussed the Big Bang theory, God and the possibility of extraterrestrial life.

In 2015, he applied to trademark his name

I totally rocked it today !
(I did well / used the day / satisfied)

And now this message will self-destruct !

3 , 2 , 1! 💣 💣 💣 :kaboom:

Writing is a way of reminding yourself, or getting others to remind you by using social messaging / social media.

(people replying or sending anything in response helps you remember and keep it valid).

Best site for explaining songs -
songs explained by the artist or by their fans... ? ❓

🌅 solar panels and :lightning_bolt: energy 🔋 storage... (batteries basically) 

I guess the storage of energy is the weak point or main problem of this topic...

Things have got better (on the wave of probably poor-promising stuff previously) but still for the most part what most of these solar generators etc are lacking (for the price) is storing the energy.

Am I about right?
(I'm fine with the kind of 'using it right now' usage of it's power but for longer term and battery sensitivity & replacements?)

It's hard to believe we've only been wasting time on YouTube for 19 years.

More about my offer to help you...

I basically attach myself / assist in making things from other people since this increases relativity and eventually snowballs value / meaning and dare I say love / affinity for one another. No BS about that (just saying as it makes complete sense and unembarrassed offering myself as it's a solid way).

trying our hand at canning over the 4 or 5 months. So far we have canned carrots, mushrooms, black beans, kidney beans, beef stew, beef chunks, ground beef, chicken, banana butter, pumpkin butter, tomato sauce, tomato juice. We have also done some dried foods. Dehydrated mixed veggies (in the air fryer), and repackaged pinto beans, mac noodles, spaghetti noodle, and brown sugar into Mylar. Here are a few pics. Anyone else here do any canning/preservation?

System of Love - Could we talk about working on a System of Love? 

@adam System of Love - Could we talk about working on a System of Love -
It's a lesser known or less implemented way of going about things.

As usual it would takes a bit of exploring but just as quick face value imagine heading towards caring as the way and journey more than critique (which can still continue but not doing this all the time if we consider everyone is but not putting much of the loving back)

System of Love development please. Replying to my messages as the basic start.

Share the love - it shouldn't be exclusive or opposite to PolyAmory 

Share the love - it shouldn't be exclusive or opposite to PolyAmory

This statement edges towards BUT not sex - more like the people who are like you who enjoy discussion and you do different sports with (sports of the mind mostly) and like going to play with friends occasionally (which can include mind and body contact).

As a very cold and blunt example of in this context of life, ask yourself:

"I didn't fuck everyone I did sports with, right?"

So as with "PolyAmory" you don't fuck everyone - the word is polyamory is a bit of a category perhaps overstating itself (it's usage by others) and simply more this definition:

" involving relationships with multiple partners with the knowledge and consent of all involved "

Those that say sex first as definition might show they have only have sex on their mind or classic binary thinking of human interaction as "sex or nothing" - so not multi-level relationships.
NOT HAVING LEVELS IS 100% UNHEALTHY. So I hope this clarifies why it's more healthy than not.

And I hope that it is not you or you explore / interact with people a bit more.

⚠️ But if you have any questions about how imperfect polyamory can be (as in life imperfect but better to love than not love / stagnate) then let me know.

The idea is that if you are caring can state and discuss things... we can do polyamory as topic (also you find people who can express or be clear can do love at different levels better).

Said with love! (not sex)
(or interpret as "Said with kind regards, towards 1 humanity")


#SellOut <--- add this hashtag to posts - Don't be a #Sellout + give help and encouragement to others (we can offer that too while tagging) 

<--- add hashtag if...

1/ you see someone doing something you disapprove of

2/ you want to help those loosing focus to go for better ways (like not giving in to BigTech and their mass sucking way) and not sucking more people in to thinking "it's ok" as a basis for life / our input.

Those doing measurably a wrong way can be tagged as an identifier and also to help them / helps us see better ways.

Short version ends here.

Longer version optionally below:

I disapprove of Spotify, iHeart, Apple choices for audio or podcasts... it's also things you / I / we could have done and contributed ourselves more universally rather than using BigTech (I think it's also given us less work and shifting it to less caring automation / BigTech stuff. So overall "Bad work" before you've even begun...)

Basically a tangent of bad growth / bad type of success.

Can't respect that move too much. This is what sets many people apart too (at least individuals / educators / people of principle, those correct towards freedoms / anyone with interest for achieving more freedom).

You have time to undo / redo decisions. Go back, take your stuff off commercial platform, take a step back or else I feel your going to create the opposite.

etc is not the same but much better than it was and by you using that at least gives us a chance (and is inter-operable with Mastodon / Fediverse if that counts as a big positive point).

Try not MisAppropriate
or us use ImProper / UnReasonable ways..

█ MisAppropriate
(as property entrusted to BigTech / fraudulently in its use somewhat in it's underlying use

█ ImProper
Unsuitable (measurable sell-out)

█ UnReasonable
Given your own words and aims you undo your own words and work by your actions and who you're in bed with and what they do in many other bad ways.

Try keep the line and growth better, else be like "them" (people you might usually critique and complain about) by tangentially using this way which is less caring about details or more damaging the more you use it.

█ There is still time to undo / redo properly and work on "Do It Yourself" a bit more.

I'm watching in anticipation / redemption.... Make the right choice / get help first.

Don't be a - get help / encouragement from others (I offer that too)

Why film sequels and people don't work...

...because the more detail you add... the more...

█ offended viewer / receiver can become...

█ it wasn't what they thought originally, or perhaps wanted something else in sequel etc (it was nicer for them when it was ambiguous or broader concept)...

█ it becomes too complex or detailed...

█ things are done in a time or feeling that can be lost or simply different (like a different film crew entirely or few essential employees were not there or there too much to reflect actual intended result)...

█ what we see is not the reality (or there is more to it than the film or person we see). This can change the whole perception (of what we see as end result since we don't see early production or life of person or film before)...

█ becomes more human or obvious someone is changing or developing the story - often people want it to "stay" as it is which means no change, which is sometimes impossible especially as things do tend to move or should be though films and people do like it to "stay the same" in memory or reality...

e.g. The forest i your childhood eventually dies... sad not just from using wood for fire or commercial logging but naturally some insects can come from time to time and clean out a forest...

(Disclaimer: above or original premise is not "all the time", but reliably in my experience and more often as human observation / calculation, "more" = the things listed above come in equation a lot more...)

Matrix films & #AI / Sentient Machines (What you might not know!) 

Matrix films & / Sentient Machines

(What you might not know about the film!)

The machines allowed Zion to be created...

(Zion = city with massive series of caverns deep under the ruined planet's surface, close to the planet's core, for warmth, power, and protection)

The machines allowed Zion to be created as a method of coping with the problem of human choice, reducing but not eliminating the instability caused by those who rejected the Matrix.

In order to prevent the entire system from crashing, the machines must periodically destroy Zion and "The One" must reboot the Matrix and choose a group of people to rebuild the city.

Neo discovers that this cycle has occurred five times in the past and is about to complete its sixth repetition.

Stephen Faller writes in his 2004 book Beyond the Matrix that Christianity is the most dominant religious theme in the Matrix films

"Zion is biblically regarded as the city of God"

Niobe explains to Neo that in the 60 years following the end of the war, enough humans left the Matrix to cause a severe power shortage for the machines.

Why film sequels and people don't work...

...because the more detail you add... the more...

█ offended viewer / receiver can become...

█ it wasn't what they though it was originally (it was nicer for them when it was ambiguous)

█ it becomes too complex or detailed

█ things are done in a time or feeling that can be lost or simply different (like a different film crew entirely or few essential employees were not there or there too much to reflect actual intended result).

█ what we see is not the reality (or there is more to it than the film or person we see). This can change the whole perception (of what we see as end result since we don't see early production or life of person or film before).

█ becomes more human or obvious someone is changing or developing the story - often people want it to "stay" as it is which means no change, which is sometimes impossible especially as things do tend to move or should be though films and people do like it to "stay the same" in memory or reality.

e.g. The forest i your childhood eventually dies... sad not just from using wood for fire or commercial logging but naturally some insects can come from time to time and clean out a forest.

)Disclaimer: above or original premise is not "all the time", but reliably in my experience and more often as human observation / calculation, more = these things above come in equation a lot more...)

Human Independence doesn't exist.

*Independence* = Freedom from control or influence of others.

Capitalism may just shift things so that you think you need others less but this way only ropes in / absorbs more dependence overall and often in a much longer dependent chain that is increasingly fragile or subject to takeover / power struggles.

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.