
@valerie_polichar Looks like I'm back to Scrivener...

ps. @scrivenerapp - I'd love a better sync option with my ios devices. Please :)

#writer #writingtools #writingtechnology

Cerstin Mahlow

Monday morning is for publication announcements:

For the workshop #in2Writing (co-located with #SIGCHI in April in Hamburg) I wrote a position paper: "Writing Tools: Looking Back to Look Ahead"

I argue that new writing tools should be inspired by "failed" projects from the 1970s and 1980s


Writing Tools: Looking Back to Look Ahead

Research on writing tools started with the increased…
Cerstin Mahlow

For a proper #introduction:

I'm a #ComputationalLinguist by training doing #WritingResearch and #DigitalLinguistics by profession. Oh, and I do #DocumentEngineeing with a focus on #WritingTechnology on the side. I'm also interested in (and publish on and worked in) #DigitalTransformation in #HigherEd.

I live in #Lausanne (and #Zurich) and work as professor at the #ZHAW in #Winterthur.