These are public posts tagged with #hallucinogens. You can interact with them if you have an account anywhere in the fediverse.
Hallucinogen use linked to 2.6-fold increase in risk of death for people needing emergency care
I once took nature’s most powerful hallucinogens on-camera for a TV show.
With Salvia Divinorum, ‘I’ dissolved entirely. The very idea of a continuous ‘self’ became absurd. Time looped. Nothing meant ANYTHING.
This timeline of Trump Does & Also Doesn’t Put Tariffs On Things is a bit like that.
Largest-Ever Study on Ayahuasca Reveals Its Potential to Boost Mental Health and Well-Being
#news #psychedelics #hallucinogens #ayahuasca #health #mentalhealth #psychology
Science, Tech and Defense for the Rebelliously Curious.
The Debrief Study confirms Egyptians likely used hallucinogens in rituals
Special concoction also contained honey, sesame seeds,…
Ars TechnicaPsilocybin Bests SSRI for Major Depression in First Long-Term Comparison
#ycombinator #major_depression #major_depressive_disorder #unipolar_depression #clinical_depression #MDD #depression #adverse_effects #side_effects #antidepressant #antidepressant_drug #selective_serotonin_reuptake_inhibitor #SSRI_selective_serotonin_reuptake_inhibitor #selective_serotonin_reuptake_inhibitors #patient_safety #Europe #European #hallucinogens #comparative_effectiveness
The first long-term comparison of psilocybin vs an…
MedscapeOlder People Who Use Psychedelics Show Fascinating Brain Functions
#drugs #psychology #hallucinogens #aging #observational #subjective #research
Drugs with psychedelic effects, like psilocybin, LSD,…
www.sciencealert.comYeah, doesn't that look like he's having fun?
Ancient artists high on hallucinogens may have carved dancer rock art in Peru #archaeology #Peru #Andes #hallucinogens #RockArt #Amazon #Tucano ayahuasca #ayahuasca
The research notes similarities between the carvings…
www.livescience.comAnother informative piece by Joshua J. Mark (one of my sources for "Women in the Ancient World"). Also, ever wonder where #Christianity got some of their ideas about the #afterlife? Pretty much, they took what they wanted (or what was popular), then banned the Rites.
The #EleusinianMysteries: The Rites of #Demeter
by Joshua J. Mark
published on 18 January 2012
"The #RitesOfEleusis, or the Eleusinian Mysteries, were the secret rituals of the mystery school of #Eleusis and were observed regularly from c. 1600 BCE - 392 CE. Exactly what this mystic ritual was no one knows; but why the ancient Greeks participated in it can be understood by the testimonials of the initiated.
"The Eleusinian Mysteries, held each year at Eleusis, Greece, fourteen miles northwest of Athens, were so important to the Greeks that, until the arrival of the Romans, The Sacred Way (the road from Athens to Eleusis) was the only road, not a goat path, in all of central Greece. The mysteries celebrated the story of Demeter and #Persephone but, as the initiated were sworn to secrecy on pain of death as to the details of the ritual, we do not know what form these rituals took. We do know, though, that those who participated in the mysteries were forever changed for the better and that they no longer feared death.
"The rituals were based on a symbolic reading of the story of Demeter and Persephone and provided initiates with a vision of the afterlife so powerful that it changed the way they saw the world and their place in it. Participants were freed from a fear of death through the recognition that they were immortal souls temporarily in mortal bodies. In the same way that Persephone went down to the land of the dead and returned to that of the living each year, so would every human being die only to live again on another plane of existence or in another body."
#ReligiousHistory #AncientGreece #AncientRome #Eschatology #ImmortalSoul #Hallucinogens
The Rites of Eleusis, or the Eleusinian Mysteries,…
www.worldhistory.orgCureus | #psychedelic Drugs or #hallucinogens Exploring Their Medicinal Potential | Article!/
Serotonergic hallucinogens also referred to as psychedelics,…
www.cureus.comMore and more surveys point to decreasing membership in religious institutions and a corresponding rise of “nones,” but this doesn’t mean an absence of belief or lack of #spirituality.
But the ‘nones’ are affiliating with new institutions, including a number of churches that use #hallucinogens.
A scholar who studies alternative expressions of spirituality…
theconversation.comIs the therapeutic potential of hallucinogens risky and overhyped?
'As the medicinal use of psychedelics gains mainstream attention, fears remain over their effect on mental health and the need for safe administration'
#science #medicine #health #psychiatry #psychotherapy #drugs #hallucinogens
As the medicinal use of psychedelics gains mainstream…
www.theguardian.comHigh Time: The Roles of Endogenous Psychedelics
Steven Barker is on a forty-seven-year-long journey to understand the mind-blowing science of psychedelics.
His research career spans almost five decades, during which he studied how hallucinogens work, whether humans produce psychedelic compounds, and what role they may play in neuroprotection, psychiatric disorders, perception, creativity, imagination, dream states, and near-death experiences. #endogenous #psychedelics #hallucinogens #neuroprotection
Researchers begin to understand the mind-blowing science…
Dream-like visions, sedation
From Blue Water Lily, Syrian Rue
For Bes’s followers, Ancient Egyptians
#hallucinogens #egyptian #mysticism #bes #bluewaterlily #syrianrue #cinquain #poetry
Blue water-lily acts as a sedative, while Syrian rue…
Ars TechnicaAncient Egyptian followers of a deity called Bes may have used hallucinogens - Enlarge / An Egyptian drinking vessel in the shape of Bes head containe... - #hallucinogens #psychotropics #ancientegypt #anthropology #archaeology #science
Blue water lily acts as a sedative, while Syrian rue…
Ars TechnicaToday in Labor History April 15, 1943: Albert Hoffman, inventor of LSD, tested his first dose and went for a bike ride. This day is now celebrated as Bicycle Day. “... Little by little I could begin to enjoy the unprecedented colors and plays of shapes that persisted behind my closed eyes. Kaleidoscopic, fantastic images surged in on me, alternating, variegated, opening and then closing themselves in circles and spirals, exploding in colored fountains, rearranging and hybridizing themselves in constant flux ...”
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #AlbertHoffman #lsd #drugs #hallucinogens #psychedelics #BicycleDay #CheapVacation
New mechanism proposed for why some psychedelics act as antidepressants - Enlarge (credit: VICTOR de SCHWANBERG/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY)
... - #hallucinogens #biochemistry #neurobiology #psychedelics #science #biology #lsd
We know what receptors they bind, but where they bind…
Ars TechnicaI'm fox, I spend a lot of time on computers doing various cyber things.
My work is in #ndt and #electronics and I'm given the leeway to leverage my time to learn and create useful #python tools for internal use.
I'm likely to post about:
and general geopolitical goings on.
Ancient Peruvians partied hard, spiked their beer with hallucinogens to win friends - Enlarge / A vessel from the Wari site of Conchopata features the tree a... - #gaming&culture #hallucinogens #archaeology #chemistry #science #history #beer #wari
If you lived in the Central Andes circa 850 CE, you…