
#Bayer has lobbied successfully to get #GOP legislators in #DJT era to sponsor #GagAct bills in Midwestern states #Idaho, #Iowa, and #Missouri to legislatively silence victims of #Glysophosphate #herbicides aka #RoundUp.

Those consumers who contracted cancers after exposure would be prevented from publicly voicing concerns or filing #legal actions to address a #toxic poisoning.

The Cancer Gag Act Of 2025

The chemical maker behind Roundup weed killer is lobbying…

The Lever
Randall Perkinson Photography

Just a guy soaking up the sun out front of his home while doom scrolling, smoking, and drinking Mountain Dew.

#Photography #missouri #fultonmo #StreetPhotography

Randall Perkinson Photography

Breakthrough Sculpture and
St. Mary the Virgin Aldermanbury Church
Campus of Westminster College
Fulton, Missouri, USA

#Photography #missouri #fultonmo #BerlinWall #churchill #wren #christopherwren #museum #ironcurtain

JL Johnson :veri_mast:

Invasive house sparrows are terrible! So prolific that our poor native bluebirds really struggle. It takes gobs of time and active management to ensure a bluebird couple can establish a nest, but even then the threat isn't over. They need your help!

I use two-hole boxes. With the extra hole they can generally defend the nest. I get mine from JackQuest on Etsy. Well priced, masterfully built.

Not an AD, but he is part of my naturalist chapter. I don't get anything. I just like supporting a friend, cool dude, and bird advocate who does great work. #easternbluebird #missouri #nestingseason #nestbox #NotAnAD

Drought Center

This week’s CMOR photo is from Dade County, Missouri.

“I believe runoff from surrounding crop fields draining into pasture to be very low for nearly three years. Stagnant water unable to move is scummy already.”

Submit your photos:

#drought #drought2025 #US #CMOR #photos #citizenscience #Missouri

JL Johnson :veri_mast:

It is hard to believe it’s already nesting season here in the #KC ‘burbs. This fella and his pretty lady are interested in our back box. They better hurry up, because the dumb house sparrows are aggressive this season, already!

Last year it took many nest evictions and a few sparrow traps before a native couple settled in.

#missouri #easternbluebird #nestingseason #backyardbirding #backyardbirds