@ryanhoulihan @ClaraListensprechen4

Yep. And many Reaganite boomers just seemed to want the achievement of having kids, but not the actual kids.

I'm Gen X and a lot of my friends had the same experience I did. Conservative parents happy to have kids, then basically never spend a minute preparing us for life. Just expect school to teach us everything while also constantly complaining about the same schools and attacking them.


@Biohazardous @ryanhoulihan

Biohaz, you make a bunch of serious errors. You conflate Eisenhower/Lincoln Republicans with Reaganites for one.

You proclaim that what experiences you and your clique has had applies to the entire population.

You never mention what problems your parents had with YOU and your gang.

There were a lot of GenXers and Millenials that got their education from their gangs while rejecting their parents AND teachers, and the noise you're making makes you sound like the stereotypical dropout who thinks he's smarter than everybody else. Your generation generated the "too cool for school" mantra, and I'd say that nails it.

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