Windows bad, in the next few days I think I will be replacing it on my laptop. The question is, do I throw myself into the deep end with arch or avoid stressing myself out and go with something easier.
@Chizu@Co Windows has been copying Plasma for a while now so yeah that. Also it's one of the few desktop environments to have thumbnails in the file picker.
@KayFaraday@Co@Chizu It literally doesn't have thumbnails lmao. You have to select each file one by one to see a preview on the right. I mean you can see thumbnails for all the files at the same time. Mac has had this since like 2001.
@KayFaraday@Co@Chizu That's a file browser. That's not the file picker. No one's moving the goalposts. If anything you're moving the goalposts bringing the file explorer now when I explicitly said FILE PICKER.
@KayFaraday@Co@Chizu They are too small to be visible. If you open a folder with many files, you can't use the thumbnails to identify them. Don't be disingenuous.