Absolutely GORGEOUS image of spiral galaxy M88, about 50 light years away, looking a lot like our home Milky Way Galaxy would look if you could see it from this vantage point.
Taken by Adam Block at Mt. Lemmon where I used to hang out during grad school...
@DrFunkySpoon came here to say that.
Gorgeous image though.
@DrFunkySpoon you could unpublish and update
Professor John Lewis (faculty at MIT then UofAZ) would call that one Sagan, defined as off by 6 (or was it 10?) orders of magnitude.
In his defense, Carl was very conceptual.
🌌 👽 💥 🌎 👾 ☄️ ☀️ 🎇 ⚫ 🦖 🐚
@EubieDrew John was my PhD advisor!
@DrFunkySpoon Mine too, for my one year at UA.
I mean 50 MILLION light years!!
(Hey but what’s 6 orders of magnitude among friends??)