Generally, many people want to sing kumbaya around a campfire whilst deluding themselves that the campfire's smoke emissions aren't toxic.
However, for those that are aware that the #ClimateCrisis is now inevitable (it is already happening - depending on location), The Post Carbon Institutes Crazy Town podcast is a more sane analysis of all things climate-related
Crazy Town: Episode 75. How to Lose Friends and Demoralize People: The #Science (sic!) of Near-Term #Extinction
The photograph is of some crazy-looking clever guy called Einstein, who apparently said "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".
Of course, within the context of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, most people (of the world) aren't expecting different results - they're simply either being forced (e.g., gotta pay the rent) or choosing to take part in work and recreational activities that are emitting greenhouse gas emissions.
One thing is for sure, #business as usual is friggin crazy considering the consequences.
#climate #ClimateHeating #ClimateChange #humour #psychology #sustainability #technology #physics #ecology