@academicalnerd Hi there young d'Artagnan!
> Do you people read me? Are the texts clear? Or is it an indistinguishable mess of words?
Yes. Yes. No.
But given the question, I am starting to wonder whether you are not some ChatGPT, or something. Given your English lang skills, it's surprising you'd even ask that.
I don't think any comedian, no matter how high, could come up with the things that happen here occasionally. I'm looking for PhD opportunities now and aim to have a way to get the rest of the family out, if need be. Also, hopefully getting married amidst this mess in a few months.
How does it feel to be here? On good days it's mostly anxiety, on bad days -- despair. However, since avoidance is the primary strategy for both people and the governmental structures in authoritarian regimes, many people simply ignore the situation in their day-to-day life. I do this sometimes too, because it is impossible to keep this horrid mess in the head at all times while taking care of the family and working. One has to look for balance between being aware but useless and being useful and caring for their loved ones, but ignorant at times.
@academicalnerd I am thinking of you every now and then. Since I visit fedi only occasionally (let's call it intermittent), I easily miss your updates, so I need to explicitly go to your profile to check - like now. That + the "intermittent" leads to very occasional check-ins. Anyway, wishes of luck there and of course I am curious how's does your non-academic life _feel_ in the country which is becoming stranger to me day by day.