@HAK I think with everything it is nuanced. In my personal opinion (you do as you feel is right) blocking is only acceptable if you politely ask someone to disengage and they dont. A proper respectful society at least attempts to discuss things civilly before resorting to more heavy handed tactics.

As with anything too much can be abusive towards others, too little abusive towards you, there is a balance to be had.

@freemo what about predictable (in an information sense: we can compress and predict their views easily) accounts like e.g. Greenpeace. That push the same propaganda not based on evidence or generic life coaches saying drinking a lot of water is good for me or incels claiming white men have the worst life on this planet?
Should I take my time and discuss with them, every one of them, every time, before I block? xD
It's not my fault, fediversum offers only two tools: mute and block. Even Threads offer a bigger spectrum.


As I said, a civiized society would disengage when asked. So if an account you deem as misinformation tries to debate you then you should say "Please dont contact me about this, i do not wish to ever discuss this with you", and which point that should be honored and you'd never hear from them again.

I am not suggesting you have to invest even a moment of time on anyone that wouldn't be of value to you beyond the simple courtesy of expressing your desire to not engage.

In a civilized society blocking shouldnt ever be needed because people respect your boundaries. If those people are acting uncivilized and not respecting those boundaries then blocking is the logical next step in my mind.

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