When they took trans rights away a lot of people shrugged
When they took women’s rights away a lot of people shrugged
Guess what, Tiny? They’re not going to stop there.
Texas is limiting interstate travel. They’re joining a cadre of states doing the same
This is over abortion now but soon—who knows.
Need to travel out of state for medicine? Family? Religion? Those days are ending
Stand up now or be forced to sit silent forever.
@flexghost , this isn't popular in many circles, but when they started attacking trans rights, I advocated that every trans person buy a gun. I still advocate this. I advocate this for every minority. For every homeless person, for every woman, immigrant, etc. And I advocate banning guns in the hands of conservative men, or any government employee that is not highly trained. In other words, not beat cops.
@not2b @flexghost , this is true. But they also create a polite society. If people understand that impolite acts can be their last, then the cost is worth it, when facing what is similar to Nazi Germany. I would happily arm every Jew, every Gypsy, every homosexual in 1930s Germany, even knowing that this would cause more deaths among those populations, due to self-inflicted violence.