Ugh, #Florida #Republicans continue their assault on #1A and minorities.
"SB 1780 would make it defamation to accuse someone of homophobia, transphobia, racism or sexism and punishable by fine"
@josh @hannu_ikonen Presumably, anyone who considers homophobes, transphobes, racists, and sexists to be the "everyman". I'm guessing there's a bit of projection going on.
@MisuseCase @LouisIngenthron @josh @hannu_ikonen but only "real men" and their supporters (li'l fillies) do it with this level of panache…they seem very much like bossy 8 year old boys and girls playing grownup.
@LouisIngenthron @josh @hannu_ikonen
Indeed. Just like you learn something important when the mainstream media uses "but both sides" arguments to normalize conservative extremists when they use white supremacist rhetoric.
@LouisIngenthron @josh @hannu_ikonen Lot of people like to try and normalize their pathological beliefs and behaviors by insisting that everyone else shares them, that’s for sure.