@jeffjarvis to be clear, I'm left of center, however looking at this my first thought was: "I just hope that's representative of the constituents served."

If not it's just political posturing and potentially counter productive.

@dreks @jeffjarvis It hasn't ever been representative before, why should it be now?

@LouisIngenthron @jeffjarvis are you facetiously arguing for minority rule? I acknowledge that it's never been truly representative, but pushing the scale the other way creates more problems before it ever gets close to solving our existing ones.

@dreks @jeffjarvis How does having minorities over-represented in the leadership of our judicial system "create more problems" exactly?

@LouisIngenthron @jeffjarvis it creates an environment that encourages people who subscribe to insanity like The Turner Diaries. Those people then use this new environment as a recruiting tool to amplify their stochastic terrorism. Marginalized whites will be more open to these toxic ideas.

@dreks @jeffjarvis So, "because there are potentially bad white people who might commit violence, we should not give good jobs to good black people."

Do I have that right?

@LouisIngenthron @jeffjarvis I never mentioned any specific races other than whites. I don't have an agenda here other than logical reasoning. My ancestors walked in the trail of tears, so I have just as much of an axe to grind with white politicians as anyone else. Purposely misrepresenting my comments is counter productive.

@dreks @jeffjarvis Then replace "black" in my previous post with "minority". The point still stands.

Your "logical reasoning" is the same kind that was used to advocate for keeping slavery legal to avoid a civil war.

The moment we allow the threats of bigots to control our decision-making is the very same moment that their terrorism becomes successful. The last thing we should be doing is empowering them with success.

@LouisIngenthron @jeffjarvis you're still misrepresenting my point. I'm not suggesting we should be afraid of giving minorities equal representation, that's an incredible idea.

Let me be clear with the point I'm making: Minorities being over-represented in positions of power as retaliation for being under represented in the past will absolutely antagonize the worst and most violent citizens. There's a very clear difference in being afraid of these people and not antagonizing them.

@dreks @jeffjarvis If the intent of the appointments was to antagonize, I'd agree with you. But, as the antagonization is a byproduct, those who feel antagonized need to suck it up and deal with it. We have no obligation to cater to their uncivilized ways to avoid angering them.

@LouisIngenthron @jeffjarvis if you go back to my initial reply, I'm only suggesting this isn't a good thing if it's not representative of the constituents. In that case it's absolutely political posturing, which absolutely antagonizes the far right and pushes people in the center their direction.


@dreks @jeffjarvis I disagree that it's only "political posturing". Having more minorities in leadership positions is one of the most effective ways we currently have of dismantling the systemic bias that exists throughout our justice system.

Trump's picks for SCOTUS justices weren't political posturing... They were furthering an agenda.

I see no reason not to believe the same of Biden's picks.

@LouisIngenthron @jeffjarvis we can agree to disagree on Biden and the purpose of his actions.

Excellent point about Trumps agenda.

Pointing to SCOTUS just makes me look at Clarence Thomas and wonder why race is even an issue at all here.

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