You can take this as a win. It was with the help of the donor class - they're the ones who made it happen - but it only worked because there was actual demand.
Now here's the flip side:
You gotta fucken go with whoever comes next.
Part of taking a win in this kind of situation is going with what comes out of it.
If you turn on Harris with the same shit you did to Biden, you are THROWING AWAY YOUR VICTORY.
A few of you already are for all the predictable reasons, and it WILL be seen as racist and/or misogynist backlash and they WILL be at least partly correct.
You got a win. If you want it to mean something, you gotta follow through.
Harris (or whoever) 2024.
Get on board.
#uspolitics #uspol #politics #biden
@LouisIngenthron For you, maybe, and good! That's what I want!
I'm working to preempt the people who are likely to spin around and do the same shit against Harris (or whoever else comes out with it) that they did against Biden for ideological purity reasons. There _are already people teasing it_.
It's a real number of people and don't tell me it isn't, I've been doing this for a while and I fucken _know_.
It's part of the left's love affair with failure, and they gotta get out of that relationship _right the fuck now_.