@catvaxlax @Dunningkruger @Madmixchaves @kamado
@JohnWest_JAWS @jneill @ParkinJim
I just realised by clicking on the three dots in your profiles and clicking mention, I can add all you great folks in to one toot, just so I can say
@The_Colbobs @catvaxlax @Dunningkruger @Madmixchaves @kamado @JohnWest_JAWS @jneill @ParkinJim not in the iOS version it doesn’t. I have the Advanced Web Interface checked and the “three dots” only allows “block, mute and report”, none of which I wish to do btw.
@podgyfingers @The_Colbobs @catvaxlax @Dunningkruger @Madmixchaves@glasgow.social @kamado @JohnWest_JAWS @jneill any "open in browser" option?
@ParkinJim @The_Colbobs @catvaxlax @Dunningkruger @Madmixchaves @kamado @JohnWest_JAWS @jneill not that I can see.
@podgyfingers @The_Colbobs @catvaxlax @Dunningkruger @Madmixchaves@glasgow.social @kamado @JohnWest_JAWS @jneill
This is what I get for you on the Mastodon app on Android
@ParkinJim @podgyfingers@mastodonapp.uk @catvaxlax @Dunningkruger @Madmixchaves @kamado @JohnWest_JAWS@mastodonapp.uk @jneill
On the desktop I just clicked mention [insert name] for each person I wanted to mention i9n a toot, using advanced web view. Nothing even close to that on Tusky.
@The_Colbobs @catvaxlax @Dunningkruger @Madmixchaves@glasgow.social @kamado @jneill same on Mastsdon app
@Dunningkruger @ParkinJim @catvaxlax @Madmixchaves @kamado @jneill
But does that let you just click the name to add to a toot, and allow you to repeat for lots of other people? No copy and paste?
If I'm on Tusky I do it that way, which takes a while!
Be good if there was a better way.
@jneill @The_Colbobs @Dunningkruger @catvaxlax @Madmixchaves@glasgow.social @kamado
It's not one of the blocked instances for your