@Paulos_the_fog No thats not socialism. Thats capitalism with social-welfare.. often erroneously described as socialism... stems mostly from the error americans make trying describe europe as socialist, which they are not.
In that event - describe socialism and how it is differentiated from communism.
The reality is that communism has never really been implemented in any nation state - certainly not in the former 'communist bloc' states!
If that's your definition of socialism, the UK in the 1960s and 70s went a long way down the socialist path. Much of British industry was publicly owned - the railways, British Airways, steel making, mining, much of the automobile industry, British Telecom, The Post Office, some banks, ICL (mainframe computers) and much more!
It was a catastrophe - the nationalised industries were woefully inefficient massively overstaffed and offered nearly zero in customer service!
In the 1970s, I moved to France which had/has just as many nationalised industries but they were a paragon of efficiency - well run, profitable for the government and a delight to deal with.
I have often pondered what could be the difference between Britain and France that made Britain's nationalised industries so utterly dire and the French ones so damned good! I have concluded that it is the quality of the management.
@Paulos_the_fog It isnt "my definition" ... I took those definitions from wikipedia/dictionaries and summarized.
> If that's your definition of socialism, the UK in the 1960s and 70s went a long way down the socialist path. Much of British industry was publicly owned - the railways, British Airways, steel making, mining, much of the automobile industry, British Telecom, The Post Office, some banks, ICL (mainframe computers) and much more!
Of course! As I said there are no examples of pure socialism, communism, or capitalism, because governments dont exist in ideaologically pure forms.. Yes you can find elements of all types of governments.. There is some socialism, some capitalism, and some communism in every government, and you will find plenty examples in any of them.