劉桂平已向全國人大呈交提案,並建議在條件成熟時盡快出台。但北京威諾律師事務所合夥人Yang Zhaoquan指出,完成這項法案可能得花上3到5年的時間,他稱,由於風險事件接連出現,不僅損害市場,還波及金融及社會穩定性,因此迫切需要更多且強大法律工具。
[“Is it dangerous when private businesses grow big? Is it not dangerous when state-run enterprises grow big?” Mr. Sun told the court on Wednesday, according to a transcript provided by the defense team. “I really hope that Dawu Group’s experience can let President Xi know that the implementation of socialism can work and can withstand examination from everyone.”
In his statement, Mr. Sun sought leniency for his company. “It’d be best for me to admit guilt and wrongdoing, for me to bear the burden,” he was quoted as saying. After the verdict was announced, Mr. Sun told his lawyer that he wants to appeal against his conviction, according to the defense team.]
"Other charges against him include illegally occupying farmland, assembling a crowd to attack state agencies and obstructing government workers from performing their duties. He was also fined 3.11 million yuan ($478,697; £343,227).
Sun's company is among China's biggest, with businesses ranging from meat processing and pet food to schools and hospitals.
He was reportedly detained last year, along with 20 relatives and business associates, over a land dispute with a government-run farm.
At the time, he said dozens of his employees were injured in an incident with police related to the dispute, according to an AFP report."
[ But in the view of Chinese leaders, consumer internet companies inflict costs on society that aren’t reflected in private market values. Companies such as Ant threaten the stability of the financial system, online education feeds social anxiety and online games such as Tencent’s represent an “opium for the mind,” as one state-owned publication put it this week.
Conversely, Chinese leaders think manufacturing confers social benefits that market values don’t reflect. For decades, it has been how the country created jobs, raised productivity and disseminated essential skills and know-how. Now, to achieve parity with the West, they think China must be able to make the most advanced technology, and will use subsidies, protectionism and forced technology transfers to achieve that.]
從雞娃轉為雞父母~🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
" 新東方創始人俞敏洪日前在社群媒體轉發新東方素質成長中心升級啟動的消息。中心下設藝術創作、人文發展、語商素養、自然科創、智體運動、優質父母6大類,其中優質父母智慧館受眾人群為小學至高中生的家長,主要授課內容包括家庭教育、育兒方法、時間分配、高效學習等。"
"Xinjiang hasn’t been the only controversy for Western businesses to navigate. Over the past few years, foreign companies have increasingly found themselves targeted over geopolitical issues raised by Beijing, including how companies characterize Taiwan and Hong Kong. Businesspeople in China say multinationals are finding it harder to do business there now, too, because of stronger domestic competition. More recently, Chinese authorities have tightened their control over several levers of the economy, including its hold on data collection."
"根據自由亞洲電台報導,隨著中國放棄防疫清零措施和工廠重新開工,中國各地的罷工數量也以驚人的速度飆升。據總部位於香港的非政府組織「中國勞工通訊」(CLB)的統計,今年前5個月,中國至少已發生了130 起工廠罷工事件,估計這只佔中國所有集體勞工訴訟事件的5%至10%。
"Taiwanese foreign investment into mainland China, steady at around $10 billion a year for most of the early 2010s, plummeted in late 2018 and has since been running at about half that level, according to Taiwanese government data. In 2023 so far, just 13% of Taiwan’s investment went to mainland China; 25% went to other Asian locations, and nearly half went to the U.S.
A survey of Taiwanese businesses conducted last year on behalf of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington think tank, found that nearly 60% had moved or were considering moving some production or sourcing out of China—a significantly higher rate than European or American firms."
"中國勞工通訊研究員周艾登(Aidan Chau)表示,武肺疫情過後,中國勞工罷工次數創新高,許多抗議都與國際貿易需求放緩有關。據統計,中國今年上半年共有七四一起抗議和罷工案件,反觀去年全年才八三○件,今年底前很可能累計超過一千三百件。抗議事件向來以建築業最常見,但今年製造業成為主要來源,光是五月份就有五十九起抗議,廣東省等沿海地區尤甚,又以電子業和紡織業工人受創最深,上半年分別發生六十六起及卅八起抗議活動,佔製造業抗議活動總數的一半以上。"
"Recent statistics show how rapidly foreign cosmetics companies have lost market share to domestic competitors in China. Retail sales of cosmetics in China in the first half of the year rose 8.7 percent from the first half of 2022. But overall imports fell 13.7 percent."
為什麼非咬著Walmart不放啊? 單咬特斯拉不好嗎? @@? 很想叫Walmart來台灣開分店幹掉全聯,當年山姆特選系列的葡萄燕麥餅乾好好吃喔!
"Public police records from last week showed that Walmart had been punished by Shenzhen police after the retailer allegedly failed to amend 19 cybersecurity vulnerabilities in its network system. "
"The increasing attention of U.S. lawmakers and the Western public to the Chinese government’s human-rights abuses seems unlikely to go away. Meanwhile nationalist sentiment among the Chinese public—and the willingness of officials to use strident rhetoric—has rarely looked more pronounced.
At the same time that these “push” factors against Western companies in China are intensifying, the “pull” factors are ebbing. Thanks to a toxic combination of rising debt, lost income during the early months of Covid-19, high housing prices, repeated rounds of draconian measures to quash small Covid-19 outbreaks, and a brutal crackdown on some of the fastest-growing service-sector employers such as internet technology and real estate, Chinese consumption growth has rarely looked weaker and youth unemployment remains stubbornly high.
Real spending on consumer goods rose only 0.5% year over year in November, which, excluding the initial recovery from the pandemic in early and mid-2020, was the weakest since at least 2011."