"Are the dams on the upper Mekong a far-sighted effort to secure a supply of water and electricity against future need? Or, considering the devastating downstream social and environmental effects of these dams, are they part of a strategy to develop a “hydraulic empire,” maintaining regional power through control over access to water, while also relocating and assimilating minority peoples?
Time will tell."
繼湄公河後, 雅魯藏布江aka布拉馬普特拉河是下一個截水涸鄰區:
"The Brahmaputra River is of great importance to both India and China. For India, it accounts for nearly 30 percent of the country’s freshwater resources and about 44 percent of its total hydropower potential. In China, the Brahmaputra holds great significance for Tibet, given its status as the birthplace of the Tibetan civilization. The river also plays a critical role in Tibet’s agricultural and energy sectors. The importance of the Brahmaputra River is further elevated by the ongoing border disputes between China and India, which have contested claims in the eastern Himalayas. This disputed area, which occupies about an area of 90,000 square kilometers, is called South Tibet in China or Arunachal Pradesh state in India, which now controls the area."
"在往南方流入印度後,被印度稱為「布拉馬普特拉河」(Brahmaputra),並持續往下游流經孟加拉,下游的孟加拉流域稱其為「亞穆納河」(Yamuna River)。
"前述專家與一名印度國防消息人士認為,這些建設顯示,藉由將其野心具體化,中國鐵了心要解決邊界聲索主張。兩名專家還說,這些屯墾村莊能提供若干戰略價值。這些新建築工事距離中國、不丹與印度三國交界處的洞朗(Doklam)地區僅九到二十七公里,洞朗正是二○一七年中印軍事對峙的地點,控制該區能讓中國有更大機會進出與洞朗相鄰、位於印度東北部且具有戰略意義的西里古里走廊(Siliguri Corridor,俗稱雞脖子)。一位專家與前述印度國防消息人士還說,這些邊境屯墾建築能讓中國妥善控制這片邊境區域,可能在此成立安全相關設施。印度外交部並未回應置評要求。"