[ 1975年8月爆發“75.8大洪水”,一場特大暴雨引發淮河上游大洪水,8月6日出現小水庫潰決,8月8日凌晨,兩座大型水庫,近60座中小型水庫在短短幾小時內相繼崩潰。其中板橋水庫垮壩,最大出庫瞬間流量每秒7.9萬立方米,洪峰高15米,6小時向下游傾斜7.01億立方米洪水,京廣鐵路先衝毀102公里,垮壩時間凌晨1點,洪峰所到之處,數萬人還在睡夢中,諸多村莊、市鎮蕩然無存。
"Videos circulating on workers’ chat groups and on social media Wednesday showed chaotic scenes as workers took to the streets in several areas within the sprawling manufacturing complex. The protests were triggered after some newly hired workers received contracts showing that bonus payments would be released later than when they were promised during recruitment.
Workers who now want to quit the Zhengzhou plant were asked to register using an online form and will receive the exit payment in two installments, before and after they boarded vehicles home arranged by the government, Foxconn’s text message said. The fee would cover their salaries, transport and quarantine fees, it read."
"The greatest risk is Mr. Xi’s determination to swallow Taiwan on his watch—by force if necessary. In that event, the political pressure on Western companies to abandon China would be overwhelming. U.S. firms had to abandon multi-billion-dollar investments in Russia after the invasion of Ukraine, and the example should concentrate minds in corporate boards about China risks."
"鄭州富士康是蘋果手機最大的生產基地,承擔全球一半iPhone的組裝工作。作為iPhone 14 Pro與iPhone 14 Pro Max的主要組裝工廠,鄭州富士康上月底因疫情和員工返鄉陷入缺工困境後,產能大減,造成全球缺貨。