"美國是世界上唯一有《台灣關係法》(Taiwan Relations Act, TRA)的國家,因此得以在一中政策下,仍然與台灣維持相當緊密的往來。陳水扁政府亟思效法,於是在駐加代表陳東璧多年的運作下,加國國會終於在2005年4月開始審議由保守黨籍議員艾伯特(Jim Abbott,已於2020年過世)於稍早提出的《台灣事務法》(Taiwan Affairs Act, TAA)。"
"Given shared and common histories, values, and interests, from time to time various parties have called for Canada to join ANZUS (which would become CANZUS), and for all five of the core Anglosphere nations to form something like a CANZUKUS, expanding the Five Eyes intelligence arrangements into a more all-encompassing, treaty-based, military alliance with mutual defense obligations.
For various reasons such calls have not gained traction. This is due in part to the concentration of Canada’s population, industry, and government in the Atlantic-focused east, and a general lack of recognition among Canadians of their status, opportunities, and vulnerabilities as a Pacific nation. The generally low priority placed on defense investment by successive Canadian governments and an over-reliance on the U.S. umbrella have not helped, as exemplified by Canada’s relative military placing against smaller Australia as outlined above."
繼上星期的法國協助禁運制裁北韓出沒黃海後, 加拿大也以同一理由出沒沖繩海域了: