"As was the case with Vietnam, history has judged some of his Cold War realism in a harsher light than it was generally portrayed at the time. With an eye fixed on the great power rivalry, he was often willing to be crudely Machiavellian, especially when dealing with smaller nations that he often regarded as pawns in the greater battle."
[ His shuttle diplomacy helped end the 1973 Arab-Israeli conflict; and the negotiation of the Paris Peace Accords pulled America out of its long nightmare in Vietnam.
But what his supporters described as "Realpolitik", his critics condemned as immoral. ]
"In pursuit of this strategic trifecta, Kissinger was prepared to sacrifice smaller pieces on the chessboard. Pakistan took precedence over India and East Pakistan (which became Bangladesh), because Islamabad was the key conduit to Beijing. South Vietnam and Taiwan found that the U.S. was a fickle ally. Kissinger’s many critics focused on the human costs of strategic decisions that were, Kissinger long argued, inevitably choices between evils. "
他1973年與北越高層黎德壽(Le Duc Tho)共同成為諾貝爾和平獎得主,成為諾獎委員會最具爭議的決定之一,當年黎德壽還拒絕受獎。諾貝爾委員會兩名成員因此辭職,而季辛吉在越戰中秘密轟炸柬埔寨所扮演的角色也引發質疑。"
季辛吉第二項重大成就是1972年與蘇聯簽訂「第一階段限制戰略武器」(SALT I)條約,這在美蘇兩大核武強權於全球對抗的冷戰期間實屬難得。條約對反彈道飛彈防禦系統和進攻飛彈的部署予以限制,有效促進美蘇緩和。
"Mr. Kissinger is remembered far less fondly in Taiwan, a self-ruled island democracy over which Beijing has claimed sovereignty. There, he has long been blamed for his central role in shifting America’s diplomatic relations to Beijing from Taipei, and for failing to obtain a broad commitment from Beijing not to seize Taiwan. Mr. Kissinger was a frequent visitor to Beijing over the past half century, but he never went to Taiwan.
[ Stone Fish uses archival material to show how in May 1989 Kissinger formed a $75 million China Ventures fund with a Chinese government-owned business—then argued against retaliatory American government sanctions on Beijing after the People’s Liberation Army opened fire on pro-democracy demonstrators the following month.
Stone Fish用檔案材料展示了基辛格如何在1989年5月與一家中國國有企業成立了一家7,500萬美元的中國風險投資基金,然後在次月,當中國人民解放軍向支持民主的示威者開火後,基辛格據理反對美國政府對中國實施報復性制裁。
Because of the kind of advice he dispensed, Kissinger “allowed the Communist Party to have greater control over foreign companies, and for companies to be closer to the party and for Kissinger to accumulate wealth and influence,” Stone Fish said.
Stone Fish表示,由於基辛格給出了這樣的建議,「中共得以加強對外國公司的控制,外國公司得以更接近中共,基辛格也因此積累了財富和影響力"。]
"7月11日,季辛吉臨行前,周恩來再次提到了臺灣問題,並且在中方提出的五點要求之外,又提出兩點:第一,中美建交時,美國和蔣介石之間簽訂的「臺美共同防禦條約」必須廢除; 第二,針對日本,美國需承諾,在美軍撤離臺灣之前不能讓日本的軍事力量進駐臺灣,並控制日本不參與「臺灣獨立運動」。對於第一點,季辛吉表示,美國政府非常希望臺灣問題能夠得到和平解決,對於「廢約」的要求,在日後美中關係的發展過程中,自然會得到解決。季辛吉這裡提出一個因果關係:如果中國和臺灣和平統一,則「臺美共同防禦條約」會自動廢除。周恩來當時默認了這種因果關係,但後來卡特總統沒有堅持這一關係。對於日本,季辛吉承諾「只要在我們能夠控制日本的程度之內,我們將反對它這麼做。」"
德國之聲在本次媒體表現拔得頭籌: 一部九十分鐘紀錄片~(可於設定選擇中文字幕)
" The film makes use of private Super 8 footage and secret wiretaps from the Oval Office providing some unusual insights into the White House of the 1970s. The secrets of superpower America, bombings, CIA operations, undercover missions to infiltrate enemy governments, the wiretapping of employees - all cast in a new light by the recollections of a man at the center of power: Henry Kissinger. "