"加國最重要的兩大媒體National Post和The Globe and Mai更是相繼刊出評論,表示應該廢除老杜魯道的「一個中國」政策,承認台灣的獨立國際地位,與台灣建立正式外交關係,隱隱與美國參院委員會近日通過的《2021年戰略競爭法案》(Strategic Competition Act of 2021)相互呼應。"





書摘點出溫哥華模式已經移植到紐澳發展這點不意外, 真正令人意外的是提及李嘉誠在其中扮演的關鍵開局角色:

"Sam Cooper has uncovered evidence that shows the primary actors in so-called "Vancouver Model" money laundering have effectively made Canada''s west coast a headquarters for corporate and industrial espionage by the CCP. And these ruthless entrepreneurs have used Vancouver and Canada to export their criminal model to other countries around the world including Australia and New Zealand. "


Wilful Blindness: How A Network Of Narcos, Tycoons And Ccp Agents Infiltrated The West

In 1982 three of the most powerful men in Asia met in Hong Kong. They would decide how Hong Kong would be handed over to the People''s Republic of China and how Chinese business tycoons Henry Fok and Li Ka-Shing would help Deng Xiaoping realize the Chinese Communist Party''s domestic and global ambitions. That meeting would not only change Vancouver but the world. Billions of dollars in Chinese investment would soon reach the shores of North America''s Pacific coast. B.C. government casinos became a tool for global criminals to import deadly narcotics into Canada and launder billions of drug cash into Vancouver real estate. And it didn''t happen by accident. A cast of accomplices - governments hungry for revenue, casino and real estate companies with ties to shady offshore wealth, professional facilitators including lawyers and bankers, an aimless RCMP that gave organized crime room to grow - all combined to cause this tragedy. There was greed, folly, corruption, conspiracy, and wilful blindness. Decades of bad policy allowed drug cartels, first and foremost the Big Circle Boys - powerful transnational narco-kingpins with ties to corrupt Chinese officials, real estate tycoons, and industrialists - to gain influence over significant portions of Canada''s economy. Many looked the other way while B.C.''s primary industry, real estate, ballooned with dirty cash. But the unintended social consequences are now clear: a fentanyl overdose crisis raging in major cities throughout North America and life spans falling for the first time in modern Canada, and a runaway housing market that has devastated middle-class income earners. This story isn''t just about real estate and fentanyl overdoses, though. Sam Cooper has uncovered evidence that shows the primary actors in so-called "Vancouver Model" money laundering have effectively made Canada''s west coast a headquarters for corporate and industrial espionage by the CCP. And these ruthless entrepreneurs have used Vancouver and Canada to export their criminal model to other countries around the world including Australia and New Zealand. Meanwhile, Cooper finds that the RCMP''s 2019 arrest of its top intelligence official, Cameron Ortis, raises many frightening questions. Could Chinese transnational criminals and state actors targeting Canada''s industrial and technological crown jewels have gained protection from the Mounties? Could China and Iran have insight into Canada''s deepest national security secrets and influence on investigations? According to the evidence Cooper has found, Ortis had oversight of many investigations into transnational money laundering networks and insight into sensitive probes of suspects seeking to undermine Canada''s democracy and infiltrate the United States. Wilful Blindness is a powerful narrative that follows the investigators who refused to go along with institutionalized negligence and corruption that enabled the Vancouver Model, with Cooper drawing on extensive interviews with the whistle-blowers; thousands of pages of government and court documents obtained through legal applications; and large caches of confidential material available exclusively to Cooper. The book culminates with a shocking revelation showing how deeply Canada has been compromised and what needs to happen to get the nation back on track with its "Five Eyes" allies. "I''m astonished that some Hollywood production company hasn''t already signed him for a big-screen treatment of this story. It''s a huge story." - Terry Glavin, National Post


紐西蘭外長顧忌的是: 萬一中國翻臉,會影響到紐中貿易裡佔三成奶肉製品後面的選票...



因為澳洲先翻臉,紐西蘭沒法玩繞道澳洲轉出口的貼牌招。但實際是: 肉製品便罷,中國一時很難找到其他長期可靠新鮮的乳製品替代國。紐西蘭沒有像澳洲挺起腰桿,純就是貪財膝蓋軟罷了。



“紐西蘭外交暨貿易部長歐康納(Damien O’Connor)昨天向紐西蘭新聞網站Newshub證實,紐西蘭將會支持澳洲,就中國針對澳洲大麥開徵80%關稅一事向WTO提出申訴。

歐康納解釋,紐西蘭致力捍衛一個「以規則為基礎的貿易體系」(rules-based trading system);因此紐西蘭將會以「第三方」(third party)身分介入澳洲提出的申訴案。”


"A regional deal would unite a group of countries in endorsing common standards and norms, including the principles of openness, inclusiveness, fairness, transparency and “data free flow with trust. It could provide an important jolt for the corresponding slow-moving negotiations in the World Trade Organization (WTO). And, it can get the United States back in the trade game in Asia, while it considers the merits of rejoining the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), albeit with certain revisions and updates.

Developing a digital trade agreement for the Indo-Pacific region would have the advantage of building on the high-standard digital commitments in the CPTPP, drawing on the more recent U.S.-Japan Digital Trade Agreement, the Singapore-Australia Digital Trade Agreement and the Singapore-New Zealand-Chile Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA)."


"《金融時報》14 日的報導卻看壞台灣加入 CPTPP 的可能,並直言台灣加入的可能已逐漸縮小,最主要的原因就是國內政治因素和及官僚怠惰所導致。台灣政黨對於外國食品開放市場的激烈鬥爭是台灣入會的重大障礙之一。同時,台灣總統蔡英文開放含符合國際標準的瘦肉精美豬進口,遭反對黨杯葛,12 月將對此舉辦公投,貿易官員認為公投將對任何未來貿易談判帶來重大風險。台灣政府也延遲 CPTPP 的入會準備 —— 為符合入會的市場准入標準,台灣必須解除對日本 311 核災區食品進口禁令,允許未受污染的產品進口。然而台灣執政黨官員卻認為,現在採取此舉只會給在野的反對黨添加反市場開放的柴火,使 12 月的公投幾乎篤定過關。"








"Taiwan’s WTO membership bid was officially approved the day after China was given the same greenlight.

With that precedent in mind, even in a best case scenario – where China doesn’t move to block Taiwan’s participation outright – it’s likely that Beijing would insist upon joining the CPTPP before Taipei. That would frustrate Taiwan, as China’s reform process to meet CPTPP requirements will be much longer (if, indeed, it is willing to undertake the necessary changes). But there’s also a sliver of opportunity there, should the existing CPTPP members make a near-simultaneous acceptance of Taiwan’s bid a necessary condition of China’s own CPTPP membership.

The big question is whether China would agree to allow Taiwan in under any circumstances, given its aggressive stance toward the Tsai administration. If, as some commentators have suggested, China’s bid for CPTPP membership is mostly symbolic and there is no real intent to join, then Beijing would have double the incentive to block Taiwan from acceding to the group."




雷蒙多此行與日本建立美日商業與工業夥伴關係,她表示美國與日本可以在供應鏈、晶片短缺、乾淨能源等議題上合作。值得一提的是,雷蒙多也是拜登政府內,負責要求台韓等半導體大廠交出營運資料的官員。 "



“經濟部表示,本次針對「台美科技貿易暨投資合作架構」(Technology Trade and Investment Collaboration Framework, TTIC)之會談,是近年台美間又再增加的高階官員經貿對話,對台美經貿發展具有指標意義。”












“路透社報導,雷蒙多在底特律(Detroit)印太經濟架構(Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, IPEF)貿易部長會議後的記者會上表示,全球首見的這項協議呼籲各國成立委員會,負責協調供應鏈活動,並設立「危機應對網絡」,以向IPEF國家發出供應鏈中斷的早期預警。



"According to a March report by auditing firm KPMG that studied 132 companies, mainly Fortune 500 multinationals, two-thirds of their supply-chain overhauls since 2018 involved pushing production to two or more countries. Less than one-third of the shifts were to one country, said the report, which O’Connor co-wrote.

Spreading out production doesn’t come cheap. Businesses have to scout new locations, invest in training workers and cultivate relations with local governments. New suppliers often have to be brought up to acceptable quality standards and sourcing components locally can be a headache."




"It isn’t just defense; the entire U.S. manufacturing base shrank as labor-intensive production migrated to East Asia. There are fewer suppliers, factories, shipyards and, most important, workers available to meet the rising demand.

True, civilian and military capacity aren’t perfect substitutes; defense products often require specialized systems and skills. That makes the shortfall even more severe."



“遭制裁的中國企業有3家,包括「亞太鏈接」(Asia Pacific Links Limited)、「信諾電子科技」(Sinno Electronics Co., Limited)、「興華」(Xinghua Co., Limited)。英國外交部表示,這些企業向俄羅斯供應對戰爭活動至關重要的制裁物資。



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