@argumento is this a dunk on psychiatric medication? a lot of medication is known to be highly effective and saves lives. part of the scientific method is accepting that previously held hypotheses may be incorrect.
Sexy times are a key factor to some people's lives, just not everyone's. You consider giving visibility to impaired libido a dunk? So we should ignore adverse events because some lives were improved?
I think the amount of people that die at the hands of doctors is the biggest dunk, but some people rather deny facts that make them uncomfortable.
Blaming? That is not what was happening but there is more than enough dead bodies and destroyed lives to spread the blame around and it goes way beyond malpractice. And I hell sure will criticize not only western medical practice, but the whole of capitalism and the naivete of people that defend them because some lives were supposedly saved. Just know, first those were ruined, and often it was at the hands of professionals.