Step 1) prove that #LinuxFoundation didn't solve anything since #Heartbleed.
Step 2) enjoy #Linux kernel developers hate.
The guys at UMN demonstrated in an UNDENIABLE way that nothing changed since #Heartbleed DESPITE the #LinuxFoundation.
@Shamar So what hasn't changed
Before UMN's research, it was deniable that such kind of attacks could affect the #Linux kernel.
Now we know that they can.
And since a bunch of students managed to get their malicious patches in the stable tree, we know that more organized actors did even worse.
This is a step forward.
Once you cannot deny a problem anymore, you have to fix it.
At least, in theory.
But apparently the #LinuxFoundation prefer to blame UMN.
@Shamar Why does it show that they haven't learnt anything since heartbleed?