HN comparing why the U.S. is better than the EU:
"Glory to the US, and the ability to move States with little friction. Glory to the LLC. Glory to firing someone with less than six months notice (I'm looking at you, Belgium)."
For the many problems the #EU has, not (yet) being a complete Ayn Rand land is not one of them.
Low work ethic in the EU?
@Shamar @MatejLach I understand "work ethic" in this context as being (the absolute garbage, bootlicking concept of) working more hours than you are paid for.
Oh... yeah I see.
Behind the scenes, despite the moralism and all the fuss about social justice and so on, #US corporate culture is still nostalgic of #slavery.
Yeah it's true: we have a vary bad attitude towards slavery in Europe.
And towards unpaid or underpaid work, that is the same form of oppression under a different brand.
@Shamar If work ethic == working for 'stock options' (free) then I'd agree with the characterisation. Just not the conclusion of it being bad.