I surrender to #Google Chrome (at work)

There is just no way to work in a company where Google Office Suite, or whatever Google is branding it these days, is the main tool for interacting with my colleagues.

I’ve tried using Firefox for the last 5 years. But some internal tools don’t work with it. I switched to Safari as this comes with the OS I have to use and it has good privacy settings by default. But the Google Suite is so buggy on Safari, it hurts. Things freeze all the time.

I give up.



What were you expecting?

own your work since they become your internal communication platform, even if (still) profit from it.

How did you dare to use a different ? 🤣

Imagine how much work Google have to do every day to make their tools slighly unusable on whatever browser they do not control!

But don't worry, you have a choice they trust: !

Oh... it doesn't work with your Google addicted internal services?

Uhm... well... I do not know!

But don't call Google a !

You have been warned! 😉

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