I *do* love Mastodon and have found a home here, but I just saw an example of a pet peeve on this particular social media:
Person 1 states an opinion
Person 2 disagrees with this opinion
Person 1 accuses person 2 of being “aggressive.”
There was no aggression; only disagreement. I see that a lot here: hypersensitivity. If we want a grownup social media, we have to be grownups.
Consumer social media lives and dies on clickbait. Reactions are clicks and clicks are $$$. I think the last decade of social media induced cultural engineering has created a society full of vapid, self-centered reactionaries.
yeah, agreed. Are you sure you’re not “owlsley”chemist😏
@SpinozasHeresy @adhdeanasl I aspire to be as connected and impactful as owlsley 👅▫️🫨