Change is not Democratic.

Change gonna happen if you on the right

Change gonna happen if you on the left

What if no one wants a change?

Change gonna happen whether you like it or not.

For somebody that’s so interested in curbing the regulation of business behavior, it’s amusing Trump’s executive orders all seem hell bent on regulating human behavior. Praise the Lord I guess.

Business has no business in government. Our democracy is impeded by the ridiculous claim that businessmen are well suited to run governments. It’s true that businesses perfect efficiency in a particular market, but governments do not serve markets. Governments serve the people. Everyone sits at the table. People like Musk and Trump and Ramaswamy don’t understand that world exists. They live in a naïve, corporate reality where what they say is law, or leave. Sorry, not the way Democracy works.

When I’m on social media and I can’t find anything to complain about, I look to others. It doesn’t take long to find something that sticks my gut like a rusty shiv. All hail the joyousness of collective self immolation from the comfort of my media screen!

America has been a democracy in drag since the beginning. We never really wanted to be rid of the monarchy and Jack Smith has torn off the disguise. All hail the aristocracy! God save the King!

Remember how Mexico was going to pay for the wall? 🙄So why is everyone running around with their hair on fire now? Trump hasn’t even been inaugurated yet! The buffoon is a blowhard and he loves to watch his enemies bleat and run in to each other. Get it? That’s the schtick. Wanna be woke? Wake up to the stupid trick. Wanna be effective? Start implying he’s weak every time he says something. Look at how he is responding to Musk trying to assert himself. Donnie doesn’t want to lose control.

@heidilifeldman No use pointing out every piece in a flood of garbage.

Personally, I can’t wait to see Matt get grilled by his former colleagues. These people are all clowns. Quit letting them get you in a tizzy and mock them. They crumble like the cowards they are when you mercilessly point and laugh at them.

If you’re still on Twitter you might as well be on Truth Social as well.

Hmmm. I unearthed my face from the iPhone this morning and looked out the window. To my surprise the world had not ended! Maybe I should spend more time looking at the actual world instead of trafficking in the imagined worlds of a billion people with their heads buried in their iPhones?


Sure. I’m liberal. I’m also not afraid of numbers. And when the numbers yield results I don’t want or like I’m not going to waste my time moaning about who’s at fault and the consequences of the numbers. I’m going to STFU and get to work figuring out why the numbers are the way they are and WTF I’m going to do about it.

For decades conservatives have been packing courts with “states rights“ judges. Going forward, how do we leverage this harsh reality? For instance, abortion has been handed over to the states, and we are doing quite well on that front. It’s a slog but we’re winning bit by bit. Something the right never anticipated. Also, Congress is like a frozen, fudge packed colon. What kinds of legislation can bypass Congress and Trump at the state level? Unfortunately, this seems like our only hope.

Election year/voter turnout:

Obama - 69,498,516
McCain - 59,948,323

Obama - 65,915,795
Romney- 60,933,504

Trump - 62,984,828
Clinton - 65,853,514

Biden - 81,283,501
Trump - 74,223,975

2024 (approx.)
Trump - 74,532,699
Harris - 70,856,199

In 2020 record numbers voted. By 2024 what changed? Trump didn’t get that many more votes than he did in ‘20. Why did 11,000,000 people not show up for Harris? 🤔

Exactly like governments, a business of any size, from the mom and pop shop to the multinational conglomerate, conducts its business in service (or disservice) of the people. The existence of the levers and pulleys of all types of organization consist purely of human intent. If you forget this, you have surrendered your freedom.

A corollary to “when they go low, we fight back”... “whenever they accuse, they confess”.

Can’t we just have the election next week?

People are saying Elon Musk is in talks to buy Truth Social and merge the brand with the megasocial media juggernaut that is X.

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