@mewmew It'll never happen. Sorry. Two state solution is better than one state solution.
@mewmew that's just it, it isn't an ideal solution. It's a terrible solution. A single state will just create another failed arab state. The arab nations would expel all their Palestinian 'refugees'. You'd have a massive influx of people who want to literally murder the Jewish people.
It would mean I'm dead.
@mewmew The history is fairly clear- Lebanon and Jordan both had Palestinian uprising that involved in whole-sale slaughter of the Palestinian people. It would happen here as the country is forced to absorb millions of people all at the same time. There would be uprising, slaughter, and no one would come out on top.
Jews would again be mass murdered by a people for whom Antisemitism is a cultural institution.
The only solution that would allow for long-term peace, and no loss of life would be 2 states.
I don't see why it would be a failed Arab state though? Jews and Arabs would each have equal control in the government so only policies beneficial to both would be implemented.