I am very proud to say that I am Anti Feminist, reject Anti Fa, reject the hollywood "me too" and other hypocritical and twisted cults.
I reject the propaganda bias that Men are sole and/or primary perpetrators and that Women are innocent and never lie.
Equality means 1 is equal to 1.
Women often on a daily basis commit acts of violence, rape and even murder towards men.
Boys and men are often murdered and massacred and not given an opportunity to live and have an education in the middle east and in the west are equally mistreated in other ways.
However media coverage would have you believe that only girls are victims and that they are the only ones to cry about.
If a child (boy, girl) adult (woman, man - man, woman) is killed we should all feel compassion for those lost and the families that live today without them.
Men's lives matter too!
This is a fact that is buried under all the lies or at the very least well exaggerated portrayals in the so called press.
False accusations towards men is very common and one issue that most men including myself are always concerned about because it is used by Women on a daily basis as a weapon.
Men and Women should respect one another without superiors or subordinates before the laws of what ever country they live.
For every law written that protects a woman, a law must be written to protect men.
In fact, laws should not be Sex specific as equality means that that should protect everyone.
Both Men and Women should be given maternity and paternity leave.
Work should reflect merit.
"Gender" quotas are repulsive.
Every time a man is raped and then accused of being the rapist, glassed, looses his home, talked down to, spoken over (so he can't be heard) we must speak up about it!
Boys and Girls must be raised up to value each other and work together.
Rape and sexual violence must be taken seriously, but also heavily scrutinized and investigated with the idea of innocent till proven guilty and not used as a political tool to attack those that you disagree with because that is what is happening.
Even if that means that some sick men/women are not charged because of a lack of evidence it is far better than having an innocent person in prison because those charged or labeled with sexual violence crimes whether true or false are damaged for life in worse ways than terrorism or any other crime.
Fuck Political Correctness!
If you don't like something, that is normal in a free society.
In order to remain Free we need to be able to speak our minds freely and for youth to develop the ability to think critically to make their own decisions as individuals they will have to be able to handle them selves when they are hurt by things that are said.
Left and Right are false terms to use and don't mean that everything one or the other says should have your blind support.