This is my all time favourite Perodic table from the Royal Society of Chemistry:
@level98 did you watch all the Gp1 explosion videos?
@TwoDogs Yes. Nice! I've demo'd Li, Na and K (not as large a chunk as they used). Safety googles AND a safety screen highly recommended. 😀
In my chemistry set as a kid you got a microscope, some potassium permangante, copper sulphate, iron filings, a blob of mercury (I used to roll around on the palm of my hand) and a little chuck of sodium (loved how shiny this was when cut) to play with. Lol 🤪😳
@TwoDogs You might be lucky to get sodium chloride in a similar kit these days! 😀 #BackInMyDay [old man moaning]
I know! I can still see the Na zooming around on the surface of the water. That's why us kids became scientists, I could watch stuff like that for ages.
@TwoDogs The "visual elements" option is particularly aesthetic is a particularly attractive view, though astronomers would argue with the definition of metal. 😀