Yet another version of the periodic table (scroll up for previous). This one indicates the date of discovery, though it also includes the country in which the element was discovered, and the nationality of the discoverer.
Some elements are simply listed as "Antiquity" i.e. they've been known about for as long as we are aware. These are: Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold, Mercury, Lead, Tin, Antimony (really?), Carbon and Sulfur.
This is my all time favourite Perodic table from the Royal Society of Chemistry:
In my chemistry set as a kid you got a microscope, some potassium permangante, copper sulphate, iron filings, a blob of mercury (I used to roll around on the palm of my hand) and a little chuck of sodium (loved how shiny this was when cut) to play with. Lol 🤪😳
@TwoDogs You might be lucky to get sodium chloride in a similar kit these days! 😀 #BackInMyDay [old man moaning]
I know! I can still see the Na zooming around on the surface of the water. That's why us kids became scientists, I could watch stuff like that for ages.
@TwoDogs Yes. Nice! I've demo'd Li, Na and K (not as large a chunk as they used). Safety googles AND a safety screen highly recommended. 😀