@design_RG why thank you Sir. That will prove quite helpful I'm sure. Greatly appreciate the links. I posted it to home as a work in progress so to speak. Didn't realize how it worked here. But I'm not opposed to anyone looking at it in all honesty. It's just in a string of consciousness state that's all. So in closing, thank you for your help and feel free to keep checking in periodically if you wish my good man.
Honor and Steel!
@sda @design_RG Tal and salutations fellow enthusiasts. A pleasure to make your acquaintance. Feel free to check in periodically on the project if you wish. Glad you found it pleasant. Indeed it's still going, you can find a list of 35 books at www.thegoreancave.com ( I'm not affiliated in any way ) May the priest kings guide your heart and hands!
@WaysideLiege @design_RG
I read the first 10 starting around '73. Life came on, and I didn't realize there were ever any more. Pretty much stopped reading sci-fi around late '70s... Haven't thought of Gor/Tarnsmen since. It's a pleasant (if rather vague) bit of notalgia. Thanks.