I need to know the name of the beatles in Riven for my homework (dumb story) and the internet being _completely_ useless only gave results for "The Beatles" (band) and "Riven" (League of Legends character)

So I figured "oh what the hell" and tried asking Ai. I asked a few times with different wording, and to it's credit, it _did_ always return names of creatures from the Myst series. _But_ none of them were even resembling bugs, despite it's claims.


@OpenComputeDesign Did you try setting beetles in quotes when searching? That should rule out beatles.

@admitsWrongIfProven some other people found it for me.

...And also corrected my dyslexic ass spelling :P

@OpenComputeDesign Why yours, the band misspelled their name... and see, they have proven that if you just stick to it you can get away with it ^^

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