@interfluidity I hear Israel is inviting right-wing parties to their antisemitism conference... strange world we live in.

Starborn and out in the cold. I do love you, and don't let any hatemongers let you tell anything else.

We are starborn and out in the cold. Let's help each other.

Maybe this had to happen while i was drunk and spamming fedi with my inane thoughts.
If you are offended by me not saying what i mean, your are right.

@CorvidCrone I kinda want to run all the music l love by you, and randomly, just as i write this, you replied positively.
Let's do in flames next, ok?

Music aside, what can we do to be more resilient to oppresive action? I'm not confident enough to transfer money, but i would surely fight for you if the nazis come. I do dislike in person requirements, but that does not mean you are not important to me. Maybe we can acknowlege we are starborn and out in the cold, and that we need to stick together?

@PippiPunkstrumpf Ich hatt ja geheult wegen Fururama, aber Daria geht immer noch gut. Genial die serie, zeitlos.

@CorvidCrone Hey, since you're here and all, what do you think of dying fetus? Is this kind of music interesting to you?

I love people, to see their happiness. I love to listen when people are not happy, because i might help.

Pour some people over me. What is the condition your condition is in?

Is dadaism great? Please slap me with a fish until i understand.

Hi federated, anyone want to say silly things? I challenge you to be dumber than me, and that's a real challenge. Can you dada? Will you stupid with me like poa.st always did, before they became redundant?

"we'll never survive in the fire swamp!"

"nonesense. You only say that because noone ever has."

Princess Bride ist schon toll.

Ein Ozeloooot produziert ne Menge Koooot,
doch wenn so ne Katze sitzt, ist sie doch nur ein Brooooot.

Pretty sure I heard someone say 'phemails' to refer to phishing emails earlier today, so now all I've got is this image in my head.

Looking for erratic things, but with a bit of art: please reply with weird shit.

Starting this off: eyelids are sexy, but only if you taste the eyelashes.

EVERY time i get into the car with iggy pop, Hellsing organization shows up. Kills him, ofc. Damn murderous richards.

But since this happened every century, i guess at least iggy is safe, in a way.

@vriska does this happen to you, too?

If my toots don't meet your criteria for toots you should respond to, why don't you add your own thoughts? How hard could it be for me to take them seriously?

Hm. I'm kinda miffed i'm alone, but i am also kinda ok with it?
I'd like to share, but noone being there is ok. Does this mean i'm on my way to become an adult? Is it a good idea to be an adult?

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
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