@interfluidity I hear Israel is inviting right-wing parties to their antisemitism conference... strange world we live in.
@CorvidCrone maybe you can help more: https://lizards.live/@vriska/114203272107946921
We are starborn, and lost in the cold.
@CorvidCrone I kinda want to run all the music l love by you, and randomly, just as i write this, you replied positively.
Let's do in flames next, ok?
Music aside, what can we do to be more resilient to oppresive action? I'm not confident enough to transfer money, but i would surely fight for you if the nazis come. I do dislike in person requirements, but that does not mean you are not important to me. Maybe we can acknowlege we are starborn and out in the cold, and that we need to stick together?
@PippiPunkstrumpf Ich hatt ja geheult wegen Fururama, aber Daria geht immer noch gut. Genial die serie, zeitlos.
@CorvidCrone Hey, since you're here and all, what do you think of dying fetus? Is this kind of music interesting to you?
EVERY time i get into the car with iggy pop, Hellsing organization shows up. Kills him, ofc. Damn murderous richards.
But since this happened every century, i guess at least iggy is safe, in a way.
@vriska does this happen to you, too?
I speak german and english.
Interested in:
- crude jokes
- philosophy
- how people get along
- different viewpoints
- gaming, especially strategy/arpgs
- (java) programming
If i reply but did not favourite your toot: most likely i forgot. I get caught up in talking, i forget.
I generally invite questions. If you look for a clue if it is ok to ask hard questions: this is it. As long as it is in good faith and you want to know wtf i was thinking, go ahead please.
- Bei den Gerüchen die mich umgeben verliert man fast das Bewusstsein - @PippiPunkstrumpf
License information on my avatar potato: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Potato_cv_dejima.jpg