@StillIRise1963 @yappari @ehren

redstate and their clones. they're deeply involved in church, have been since the 70s. and theres always an Facebook aunty or two sending them flashy and tantalizing misinformation articles. attempts to disprove them means I'm censoring them


@soupcrisis @StillIRise1963 @yappari @ehren
They have something akin to a script. It goes something like this-
Aunt Karen produces a piece of misinformation.
You say "that's misinformation"
Aunt Karen says 12 or 15 things that would take you all day to debunk.
You say, "I don't have time to tell you how many things are wrong wth that, but you're wrong and I don't want to hear it"
Aunt Karen "YOu're Censoring me!"
I call it a script because it is so predictable, but that is their vulnerability. It's your job to be unpredictable to break their script so that they can't use it.
Their script is a defense mechanism that protects them from new ideas. If the script is broken, new ideas may get inside their head. Watch this 2 minute video for more info. youtu.be/ASn-VdevwTE

@ambulocetus @soupcrisis @StillIRise1963 @yappari @ehren just watched it. Well worth the 2 minutes.

(You-Tube: The Balloon Analogy.)

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