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Knowledge is knowing that Frankenstein wasn't the monster. Wisdom is knowing that Frankenstein *was* the monster.

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Here's a fun fact: Back when I had a TV, the channel now known as TLC was called "The Learning Channel". Isn't that hilarious? As if anyone could learn anything from TV.

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Everyone likes to shine, but nobody likes to polish.

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The "Good Cop, Bad Cop" trick is a popular technique because it works even when you know they are doing it. The contrast between the 2 operators makes the less extreme one look mild in comparison, even though they would appear anything but mild in another context. But it doesn't work only with police. It can take the form of "good pope, bad pope" or "good Supreme Court Justice, bad Supreme Court Justice", or even "good media outlet, bad media outlet". Now that you are aware of this trick, you will see it everywhere.

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To say "I don't know" is a sign of wisdom, to say "I was wrong" is a sign of maturity. To pretend to know something you don't really know is a sign you have neither.

If you lend someone twenty bucks and you never see them again, it was worth it.

It is better to be slapped with the truth, than kissed with a lie.

Fishing would be a lot less popular if fish could scream.
-ubuntulive, Aug 2016

I set up a scholarship fund at my university so that after I die, my money will go to educate other people's children. Just one more example of how people without kids don't give a shit about the future.

'Slang' is a colloquial word for 'colloquial word'.

After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.

Why do computer geeks always confuse Hallowe'en with Christmas? Because DEC 25 = OCT 31.

Seven out of nine Supreme Court judges are Catholic. I'm glad that since we must have the Ten Commandments in public schools, at least it will be the Catholic version, and not the silly Protestant version. Thanks, Mr Trump. One day the flag of the Vatican will fly over the Capitol building, right next to the old Stars and Stripes. And we owe it all Donald J Trump.

Interesting that Trump screwed a porn star, and Melania did gay porn, but now they want to ban porn and lock up gay people.

The millionaires who own our newspapers and TV networks want us to lose our democracy. Maybe some people think that watching their favorite show is more important than that, but I know I'm not giving them my money ever again. Please stop giving them, your money and your attention. You can live without that show.

If Trump was in prison, this would have never happened. is 25 years old today, a milestone that feels somehow both remarkable and inevitable. For a part of the Old Web, a literal 20th century artefact, to still be operating and lively is such a rare thing.

And yet its the sort of place that *can* live that long life: an online community organized not around profit or prestige but around people and a sense of space, a place that has rebuilt and renewed itself yearly out of a shared desire to simply keep a something important alive.

US Politics 

I know folks have US politics muted, especially right now, but I’m glad I’m on Mastodon instead of any other site right now. It is batsh*t everywhere else. And it’s going to be that and worse. The truth, whatever that is, is going to have a very hard time seeing daylight. Sources I trust and sources trusted by those I trust (eg my retired intel husband) feel this is only getting more suspicious as we learn more (about the shooter, SS agents loyal to Trump, SS behavior at the rally).

You guys, I'm pretty sure the media wants us to lose our democracy.

Stop clicking. Shut it down.

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