I know we were all traumatized by Covid and still are, but we really need to remember all the things the Trump administration did to us at the beginning of the pandemic. They took away PPE from Blue states, tried to hoard it for themselves or make money selling it to states, wanted to use herd immunity when they saw Black people were dying disproportionately and did a genocide, didn't care about the lives of front line workers, seniors, children or teachers, got people to stop using masks...


@StillIRise1963 Don't forget all the small business "loans" that went to huge mega-churches instead of small businesses.

@ambulocetus @StillIRise1963 And bailouts for airlines and hotel chains and all the other huge companies that used that money for stock buybacks and then doubled their prices.

@ambulocetus @StillIRise1963 yeah, don’t forget about the PPP either that went to millionaires like Kanye West, and Tom Brady and Aaron Rodgers that became forgiven, free money. A lot of children could’ve been fed with that money.

@Beachbum @ambulocetus @StillIRise1963 Yet Trumpicans want to drug test anyone receiving benefits; how many of these greedy self serving richies could pass one?

@luv_wins @Beachbum @StillIRise1963 Well, we all saw the debate where Trumpo the clown was sniffing and snuffing like a beagle with allergies, so I know he wouldn't pass a pee test. But there is another test called Perfusamine that can spot Alzheimers, and between Biden and Trumpo, I think he and a lot of other politicians would fail that one too.

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