Tinkering with #homeassistant is one of those things where you have a cute little idea after dinner and all the sudden it's 1am and I don't even remember what I originally wanted to do
@jgkuper @anson still working on the motion lighting, specfically getting them to turn off when they should or having to use voice commands. A change in the trigger used helped get that closer to how I want. The mmwave sensor I ordered? I got shipped a zigbee gateway (price was the same) instead. I use it for a testing envirnment; may not need the mmwave sensor. Working on the shopping list notification now. found an error in my automation I just fixed. Using https://everythingsmarthome.co.uk/automate-shopping-lists-with-home-assistant/ for now.
@anson Story of my life.. love (and hate) #homeassistant for it.
Plus : the initial idea is already working for several hours ☺️
@anson I hear you!
@anson The joy of being "in the zone".
@anson LOL. HA is one of my biggest time sucks, especially when I'm trying to learn something.
@anson Yeah, totally recognize this.
@anson basically every side project ever
@anson it’s what makes it so much fun! Or when you make a small change right before bed and it takes down your zigbee network.
@anson I feel personally attacked 😑
@anson I'm in this toot and I don't like it.
@anson It definitely be like that.
@anson I get it, but for me it's the opposite. I want to learn how to do one thing at a time, and get that working consistently, then move on to the next thing I want to add.
Thing I can't get working: shopping list notifications. It's irritating that I can't, but not debilitating.
Thing in slowly working on: motion/ presence activated lighting. Gonna pick up an mmwave sensor and see how it goes.