@thomasfuchs The most consistent thing about Windows's (and all of Microsoft's) UX is how inconsistent it is.
@baldengineer @thomasfuchs
I'm feeling the pain of this having recently "upgraded" to Windows 11.
@SmartmanApps @thomasfuchs "Upgrade"?
@baldengineer @thomasfuchs
2 words every developer dreads to see - "upgrade available".
@baldengineer @thomasfuchs
Why is it *still* not permitted to open two Excel files with the same name?
I presume it's because of their ugly formula language, but still ...
And what Excel developer thought it was smart to switch around the SUMIF parameter order when they created SUMIFS? I get a "spill" error every time I add extra criteria and struggle to remember why.
SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])
SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...)