🇯🇵 Why Japan’s Economy Is So Fiercely Inefficient | WSJ

WSJ’s Peter Landers explains how being fiercely traditional is weighing down Japan’s economy.

length: five minutes and fifty three seconds.



@bibliolater @economics Thats hilarious, coming from a country which exported all its industry to China and is now unable to produce paper masks and rubber gloves during a pandemic.

@Smrki @economics What do you think about the question raised in the video namely that traditional methods are make the Japanese economy inefficent?

@bibliolater @economics I am very cynical about it. I mean this comes from a country which has exported its knowledge and industry to China, in a futile attempt to raise its efficiency. What is efficiency? Efficiency for whom? Removing all jobs and sending them overseas? Is that efficient, transforming an industrial country into a collection of rust belts? I disagree with that. I think both Japan and Germany decided against that, and did well.


@Smrki I agree that deindustrialization is not only problematic but myopic and counterproductive in the long run. It has not worked out well for many.

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