🔴 **‘Ex-Pagan Pagans’? Paul, Philo, and Gentile Ethnic Reconfiguration**
"_I argue that, similar to Philo’s proselyte inclusion strategy, Paul incorporates Gentiles-in-Christ into ethnic Israel. As Abraham’s ‘offspring’, Paul suggests that his addressees not only gain membership in Israel’s covenant on account of Israel’s messiah, but that they also acquire a new ethnic identity despite that their prior identities as ‘the Gentiles’ are not erased._"
McDonald, D. N. (2022). ‘Ex-Pagan Pagans’? Paul, Philo, and Gentile Ethnic Reconfiguration. Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 45(1), 23-50. https://doi.org/10.1177/0142064X221082363
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