🔴 **Fake memories: A meta-analysis on the effect of fake news on the creation of false memories and false beliefs**
"_We conducted a meta-analysis to obtain an estimate of the average rate of false memories elicited by fake news. Thirteen articles were included in the final analysis, revealing that nearly 40% and 60% of the participants reported at least one false memory and belief (respectively) after fake news exposure, while each participant remembered or believed 22% of the total number of fake news presented._"
Schincariol, A. et al. (2024) ‘Fake memories: A meta-analysis on the effect of fake news on the creation of false memories and false beliefs’, Memory, Mind & Media, 3, p. e17. doi: https://doi.org/10.1017/mem.2024.14.
#OpenAccess #OA #Article #DOI #FakeNews #Misinformation #Memory #Belief #Psychology #Academia #Academic #Academics @psychology