Question: at what point do folks consider themselves programmers? Or scientists?
I've written programs, but don't feel I've earned the title "programmer". I've used the scientific method to identify and resolve issues, but "scientist"? Not I. At what point do folks feel comfortable identifying themselves that way? Just wondering if anyone else is pondering what I'm pondering.
@dumdumjobes I've been programming since I got my Commodore 64 in 1983, and I've programmed as a **part** of my job for more than 20 years (many tens of thousands of lines of code in a dozen or so languages), and I still wouldn't call myself a programmer. I'm an engineer that writes programs. I enjoy programming. I might even say I'm a hobbyist programmer. But that isn't my primary job function, so I've never self-identified in that way. I know I would get annoyed if a hobbyist physics enthusiast starting calling themselves an engineer, so I return the favor and stay in my lane.
@dumdumjobes At the end of the day, I think it's fair game to call yourself whatever you're being paid to do. If you're doing the job of a programmer or engineer or scientist, you're earning the title.