New school year, new challenges!

We know that sometimes dealing with topics such as disinformation might not be very easy… but dear #teachers, we have got you covered!

Explore our guidelines filled with tips and interactive exercises to teach your students more about how to:

✏️ know more about their digital footprints,
πŸ“ engage with fact-checking, and
πŸ“˜ tackle disinformation.

Good luck to all the #students and teachers for this new chapter of your #school path!

#EU #BackToSchool #FactsMatter


I am sure the students will reject any form of deplorable information when confronted with such decisiveness!

Get those little brains ready to be inspected by a caring and attentive EU Thought Police!

@useless_idiot @EU_Commission I was wondering when the useful idiots of disinformation will pop-up. Wasn't disappointed, he was the first to comment. Typical homophobic & vaccine + climate change denier... Wish the EU would implement a digital form of ID to flag these kind of accounts, majority spreading russian agenda. How would "a digital form of ID to flag these kind of accounts" solve anything? It seems your problem is "these here people don't agree with me and I want them to stop doing that", I don't think de-anonymization is going to fix that. If anything, it'll hurt democracy as a whole as it will stifle public discourse altogether.

@bonifartius @tyil @EU_Commission @daniels

Exactly! Real democracy is thinking, saying, and doing exactly whatever the richest and most powerful people want, getting locked out from society, or getting locked up!

@bonifartius @tyil @EU_Commission @daniels

In all fairness: I don't hate the EU, I just think they should be held accountable, do a better job, don't get involved in propaganda one way or the other, and stop all kinds of other nonsense. Maybe go back to the EEC and rebuild into a better direction.

But those institutes seem to be unable to do one job right, and have to sprawl out into all useless directions, so we end up with this shit and no proper international trains. I like the EU as a concept, it can be a very strong force to do many good things. And some good things have been achieved, the schengen area, the ability to use my phone when I cross a border, standardized charging over USB-C. But then they have retardedly dumb ideas as well which they should be held accountable for. If you don't hold them accountable for their bad ideas, they'll never change them to good ideas (or drop them altogether if it turned out to be really dumb).

It truly is the basis of democracy to be able to speak up freely and criticize any actions the politicians take, and when needed, force them to change course.

I'd like the EU to continue existing, but I do acknowledge things need to change for it to continue being a net positive for us citizens.

@tyil @bonifartius @EU_Commission @daniels

Yeah, although I am always suspicious of strong forces in any form. It can attract horrible people.

What put me off big-time was the reaction to Brexit. Instead of: "Ok, let's go our own ways for a while and we'll try to find out why you didn't want to be part of us, maybe fix that."
It became:
"You are all horrible racist and we hate you forever!"

And this crap, EUvsDisinfo, CBDC (that's everywhere though), DSA, arrogance, bloat, make it worse.

It can attract horrible people

It not only can, but given enough time it is guaranteed it will. This is indeed a problem that exists in any form of government, as it is by definition a seat of power. The best we can do is learn from past mistakes and craft rules and regulation that helps to stop it from happening again, and be vigilant when it is happening.

I am afraid we (as a society, not you or me specifically) have not learned from past events and have let corruption enter the higher ranks of society. Society isn't doomed yet, but the corruption needs to be eradicated sooner rather than later.

I find the brexit situation being a good example of openly hostile and bad leadership of our governments. I don't particularly care whether the UK is part of the EU on itself, but the entire show that was put around it is not beneficial for anyone, and only fuels hatred between the two sides.

And this crap

I agree once more. I think there are better aspects this time and effort could be devoted to. Supporting proper open communications, protections for privacy and security, the housing crisis, the inflation crisis, the migration crisis... We have a lot of crises now that I think about it.

> It can attract horrible people
It not only can, but given enough time it is guaranteed it will. This is indeed a problem that exists in any form of government, as it is by definition a seat of power.

that's the belly of the beast

@EU_Commission @useless_idiot @daniels

@tyil @bonifartius @EU_Commission @daniels

Yeah, and the fact that the combination of online ID and specialized asylums are proposed by an EU shill as a solution for disagreement with the official narrative is very worrying. It means that the concept of a free society is really misunderstood. Yeah, its even more worrisome that these people can't comprehend that they are proposing the very things that they say they oppose so strongly. Re-education camps are supposedly the tools of a fascist totalitarian regime when you ask them, but suddenly when it works in their favour they're all for it.

I struggle to find a good means to get them to understand this, sadly. Far right rhetoric and far left rhetoric are essentially the same, the only difference is who they blame and wish to genocide.

@tyil @bonifartius @EU_Commission @useless_idiot
LoL, I see the qAnon tin-foil conspiracy theory guy, the one posting anti-vaxing, climate change denying and homophobic posts in his threads called his girlfriends in seek of confirmation. Unsecure much? Guess apes together stronk. Anyway, I fail to see where calling for a mental checkup of these kind of guys and asking for help to a specialized asylum can be qualified as a call for genocide. But you tin foil conspiracy guys do you. Carry on.

@daniels @tyil @bonifartius @EU_Commission

You were calling for specialized asylums, not for mental checkups. But the fact that you are backpaddling on that now means you are making progress! πŸ’ πŸ‘

Going by your first sentence and the general tone of your post, are you sure the need for a mental checkup is not projection?

@useless_idiot @tyil @bonifartius @EU_Commission "one can only hope science and common sense prevails and mentally challenged people unable to grasp basic proven, tried and tested scientific facts get treated in specialized asylums instead of being offered a free access to social platforms where they can spew their delusions and hallucinations."
Definitions from Oxford Languages Dict.:
an institution for the care of people who are mentally ill.
"he'd been committed to an asylum".

@daniels @tyil @bonifartius @EU_Commission

And, since I don’t want to be send there: I completely agree with anything the EU says and there is no need for further investigations.

As it is a tried and tested fact that dissidents eventually get locked up (in whatever they choose to call it) when governmental power keeps expanding.

LoL, I see the qAnon tin-foil conspiracy theory guy, the one posting anti-vaxing, climate change denying and homophobic posts in his threads

Are you doing background checks on people posting in a random thread? That's not something people with good faith intentions do.

I fail to see where calling for a mental checkup of these kind of guys and asking for help to a specialized asylum can be qualified as a call for genocide

If you fail to genuinely see the resemblance with earlier totalitarian rhetoric I am very sorry for you. You can phrase it however you want, but calling for certain groups to undergo required checkups or otherwise be segregated from society due to not adhering to your political worldview is not a sign of desire for societal freedom, equality, or diversity.

If you were to act in good faith, you could instead ask
why these people come to their beliefs, and try to understand their viewpoints. Not everyone who disagrees with you does so due to evil intents.

@tyil @bonifartius @daniels

These accusations are probably intended against me, as it could be made illegal by a slight expansion of the DSA scope.

Not worth further investigation, but for his valiant efforts I would nominate @daniels at the for the order of Pavlik Morozov! As soon as @EU_Commission instates it.

@useless_idiot @tyil @bonifartius @EU_Commission

Thank you! I will accept it and gladly put it in it's stereotypical ruSSky vatnik beloved special place, my toilet bowl, where he will heroically accept it's fate as practice target.
Cheerio! Have a nice european democratic weekend!

@daniels @tyil @bonifartius @EU_Commission

Thanks, I’d wish! It’s getting harder and harder.

But one of the accusations brought was β€œqAnon”. Now maybe it just a thing you learned to say at such an EU disinformation course, but it’s much more American than European. Where did you find it? And what made you apply it to me?

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