Wish there was something like the Pico-8 but free software.
Wait just use JavaScript and html canvas
@sun Find an implementation that respects your freedoms. :ohgno:
@i @sun I meant an implementation of JS/<canvas>, but it is cool to have these around.
@p @sun i'm not sure spidermonkey/javascriptcore could be considered any more free than v8 at this point
@i @sun Yeah, that's what I'm saying. The most accessible programming environment we have, and there are a half-dozen implementations, none of which are GPL'd because GNU guys are busy shitting up the compiler to please Oracle and Microsoft and Apple and putting flags onto Unix utilities to placate fictitious normies that they imagine will need those flags, though these flags will never be used and only create a maintenance burden because normies click the Bluetooth logo in Gnome and then post in the Ubuntu forums if it doesn't work.

I mean, the point of the GNU project was not to clone Unix to provide an environment that was friendly to hackers, primarily by ensuring that it was and stayed hackable. Unix compatibility was a target because the industry wanted Unix, and being compatible helped free it all up. The industry no longer gives a shit about POSIX or SUS or any of that, they put shit into a Docker container and everything else is all browsers. It's great fun to shit up the compiler, but once Mozilla went retarded and the only free one died, the most prevalent development environment in human history entered the control of the large vendors. GNU declared "Mission Accomplished, we have Unix now" without noticing that the playing field had moved.

So now we sit around hacking this retard system that has proprietary video codecs built into the goddamn specification because Mozilla is now Google's second vote at the W3C. No one wants to make a browser: why would you? I imagine that in the 80s, reimplementing Unix and C was about as distasteful to the Lisp hackers as reimplementing the browser would be for most Unix hackers, but we don't have an :rms: saying "We need to do this, come help, I'll do it myself if no one else does." And he's a *boomer*. How many programmers do we have on the earth, and no one's doing this?

Well, Fabrice is on part of the problem, at least: https://bellard.org/quickjs/ . I don't wanna write a CSS3/HTML5 layout engine from scratch so that it can be AGPLv3'd, do you? Nobody does. So here we are, and we'll be here a while.
@i @sun If he gets it done, then I say to let him have as much coke as he wants.

> Build Prerequisites
> Qt6 development packages and a C++23 capable compiler are required


> nix


> only runs on Wayland


> Ladybird is licensed under a 2-clause BSD license.


> The official project language is American English with ISO 8601 dates and metric units.


> There is no mailing list
> "Join our Discord server to participate in development discussion."


Yeah, fuck it, I'd rather bolt quickjs onto Netsurf than touch this bullshit.
@bonifartius @i @sun I expected it to be a thing I would be upset by but that I could potentially imagine helping out with for the sake of hacking the planet. It is actually the worst in every imaginable case except one, the "Contributing" document says "This is a technical project, don't politics it up".

@p @i @sun no politics is good, yeah. at least in theory *puts on tinfoil hat

given that it's BSD i do suspect they mean "free software isn't freedom because one can't do closed source with it!!1" with that though :tiredcat:

netsurf is GPL, exists for decades, works pretty well and doesn't get any funding.

someone comes along, uses the most bloaty and big tech controlled stack possible and receives $1M.

probably pure coincidence.

@bonifartius @i @sun

> netsurf is GPL, exists for decades, works pretty well and doesn't get any funding.

It is slow as balls but it is good enough for many purposes and it runs on Plan 9.

> probably pure coincidence.

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