FSF is the real deal. unlike the usurpers from my side of the atlantic.
@SuperDicq totalitarian dictators are often also doing very good in some areas.
"not doing actively evil things" and "consistent ethical standards" is a much better metric imo. FSFE did participate in canceling RMS while their leadership is themselves credibly accused of sexual harrassment.
they are 100% morally bankrupt, putting woke good boi points before free software. they never would write an article about the importance of free expression, they hate the idea of true free expression.
@sally@freesoftwareextremist.com @bonifartius@qoto.org I know exactly who you're talking about and I was the one who responded to that post first about why she was wrong.
She was in fact not a "big name" or part of the council. She was part time contractor at the FSFE.
@sally@freesoftwareextremist.com @bonifartius@qoto.org There are many bad things I say about the FSFE like how they got caught up at the wrong side of the Stallman drama and other things like that.
But I still think the FSFE existing is a net positive for promoting the use free software in the European Union. I especially support their "Public Money? Public Code!" campaign.
@sally@freesoftwareextremist.com @bonifartius@qoto.org The FSFE has played in key roles in many EU legislation. They do a lot of lobbying. Of course there is no way to tell if these things would've ever happened without the FSFE, but I do know that they played a role in these.
Like for example in the EU we have router freedom in most countries now.
We also have laws that state that rooting your phone no longer voids your warranty.
Software patents are also mostly illegal in the EU.
On top of that the FSFE provides legal support for many people, such as winning antitrust lawsuits against Microsoft and other GPL violators.
@Suiseiseki@freesoftwareextremist.com @bonifartius@qoto.org @sally@freesoftwareextremist.com
Why was it the case that it would ever void the hardware warranty?
Because the end user agreement said so.Unfortunately, they're granted anyway - a huge amount too.
There's definitely a lot of limits in place and many generic software patents that are legal in the US are not enforceable here thankfully. But yes, far from perfect.@Suiseiseki@freesoftwareextremist.com @bonifartius@qoto.org @sally@freesoftwareextremist.com I have a few older rooted phones from before this legislation that show the user on the bootscreen that the warranty is voided.
Samsung phones in particular (like the S2 and Note) had the "knox warranty bit" in their "Odin Mode".
@Suiseiseki@freesoftwareextremist.com @bonifartius@qoto.org @sally@freesoftwareextremist.com
The whole idea is that patents are an expensive lottery that can be used to put a stop to innovation and to fleece anyone who tries to innovate.
I agree, all patents should be abolished.@SuperDicq @sally i'm not convinced that "doing good" by lobbying is enough if the organization is morally bankrupt, participating in politically motivated witch hunts.
ino the beauty of the GPL is that it's a private contract, not a law. so the legal support is about the only thing i think is really good (bet they won't finance fighting GPL violations of projects made by people they don't like? ;)
@newt@stereophonic.space @bonifartius@qoto.org @sally@freesoftwareextremist.com
EU has virtually no tech industry
That is a fake meme.@newt@stereophonic.space @bonifartius@qoto.org @sally@freesoftwareextremist.com I'm not sure what garbage you use on a daily basis, but you should be using exclusively free software. And almost all free software is developed by contributors from all over the world and not a single country or continent.
@newt@stereophonic.space @bonifartius@qoto.org @sally@freesoftwareextremist.com Ah yes because Torvalds moved to the US at some point while there are contributors all over the world it means Linux is a US product? Get real.
@newt @SuperDicq @sally @bonifartius funny how europe never had a silicon valley
@mischievoustomato@0.5dollah.click @newt@stereophonic.space @sally@freesoftwareextremist.com @bonifartius@qoto.org Except most of the world's silicon can not be produced without our precious ASML and NXP Semiconductors.
@Suiseiseki@freesoftwareextremist.com @newt@stereophonic.space @bonifartius@qoto.org @sally@freesoftwareextremist.com @mischievoustomato@0.5dollah.click We did invent things like CDs and Bluetooth, but those glory days over.
@icedquinn@blob.cat @bonifartius@qoto.org @sally@freesoftwareextremist.com Rooting a phone does not require tampering with the hardware lmao
@icedquinn@blob.cat @bonifartius@qoto.org @sally@freesoftwareextremist.com You call it an "exploit", I call it my right as the owner of the device.
And still that does not alter the hardware.
@icedquinn@blob.cat @bonifartius@qoto.org @sally@freesoftwareextremist.com Look if I brick the bootloader because of my own stupidity I don't think they should fix it either, but if the hardware fails in a way that is completely unrelated to what software fuckery I did (which is very common) they should just repair the damn device.
@Suiseiseki@freesoftwareextremist.com @icedquinn@blob.cat @bonifartius@qoto.org @sally@freesoftwareextremist.com I mean, even RYF certified computers are very brickable.
If you can't boot your OS, you can't use flashrom and now you have to buy yourself a hardware programmer, screw open the computer case and then try and recover by flashing it externally.
@Suiseiseki@freesoftwareextremist.com @icedquinn@blob.cat @bonifartius@qoto.org @sally@freesoftwareextremist.com
I've never had internal "flashrom" programming fail myself, as I make sure to always run the right command and flash the right image.
That is true because the images are tested extensively. However, there are also many "untested" images on the GNU Boot status page which may need an external flasher to recover if you want to be the first person to test them.@Suiseiseki@freesoftwareextremist.com @icedquinn@blob.cat @bonifartius@qoto.org @sally@freesoftwareextremist.com I mean to be fair, before attended the GNU Boot install party at 38C3 I was still running Libreboot 2016 on my Thinkpad.
Simply because I was lazy and it just worked and I didn't have any good reason to update it to a newer version.
@icedquinn@blob.cat @sally@freesoftwareextremist.com @bonifartius@qoto.org That's not true. The EUPL is approved by the American FSF as well.
@Suiseiseki@freesoftwareextremist.com @icedquinn@blob.cat @bonifartius@qoto.org @sally@freesoftwareextremist.com I'm not saying the EUPL is a good license, but it is a free one.
Of course the GPL is still the best license.
@bonifartius@qoto.org The FSFE does a lot of good things too, but I am indeed more concerned with the possibility of outside influence with that organisation