This is good news, because React itself is backed by Facebook and Facebook is looking awfully peaked lately, don't you think? Unfortunately, when Facebook goes the way of Friendster, we will have (at least) three branches of React to contend with.
RT @indigitalcolor
These React frameworks have been backed by for-profit companies for a while but now they’re backed by larger for-profit companies that lead development of multiple f…
Nah, I don't have time for that grudge. If they hadn't invented it, someone else would have.
@braindouche Belligerent ignorance from the commanding heights has a quality of stupidity all its own.
When you put it that way it makes me wonder if we shouldn't be thinking about it less like a lost decade and more like a financial bubble.
@braindouche [ why_not_both.gif ]
I'll tell you why not. A lost decade makes us victims of circumstance, while a financial bubble is driven by the malignant, ingorant, greedy and destructive forces of utterly mediocre men convinced of their own correctness. Good sense was driven away aggressively by a lot of goddamn money.
@braindouche not with their megaphone they wouldn't.