New term proposed! Front-End Pharaoh: A developer who creates front-ends that require the surplus labor of an entire bronze-age kingdom to build and maintain. Someone who doesn't factor in scale of developer resources against the incidental complexity of systems they create.
My boss: "so before he quit, Scott implemented this app's interface with Angular and graphQL, and we need you to make some updates for the client real quick."
Me: "sure. Indenture me an army of laborers and schedule a blood sacrifice at the temple and I'll have this out of here in no time."
@braindouche i'm sorry brian but the omens do not auger well for this work. perhaps in q4 if ra wills it
Not to get all American Gods on this but like, why isn't Thoth a patron of programmers? He's the boss of magis spells, sacred texts, knowledge and writing, he's entirely our dude.
@braindouche Love it!
@braindouche the build fails if you anger the gods and opening the project later risks an ancient curse.
Some day I'll share the story of a legacy build that took me a week and two principal engineers to get running, and in the process of fixing the thing that needed fixed I replaced almost all of that infrastructure by moving the whole thing to WLS and writing a three-line bash script.
@braindouche frontends that are basically pyramid schemes huh